
2 Reviews
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Unnecessarily Difficult
14 February 2021
By far the worst game designed. Whilst the graphics on each level are absolutely amazing and creative, the level design is abysmal.

A small percentage of levels you complete are fine and capable of doing in a few deaths. However, a large number of levels are ridiculously difficult. The game is designed around doing the levels at a fairly quick pace but a lot of the times you have to die in order to understand what you need to do next. And when you have to die to see what comes next and you're really far from your last checkpoint, it's very demotivating.

A lot of levels have too much going on. Unless you have the reaction time of a superhero, you are not going to beat a level without dying. Checkpoints sometimes are so far away and you have to continuously cry and hope you reach it before the controller is launched across the room.

Unless you crave frustration, anger, boiling blood and shouting, this is not the game for you.
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Fun, engaging and educational
3 February 2021
The series has its quirks, however, it had a lot of interesting and engaging moments. The idea of creating builds and contraptions on a deserted island as a means to survive was brilliant. I enjoyed the builds both Richard and Troy created and also the idea behind it on how it works and so on. The script at times seemed very vague and I found at times Troy's acting time be quite forced and uninteresting. The show got better as it progressed.

Don't expect this to be like Top Gear or The Grand Tour just because it features Richard. It is it's own standalone style and show which should be given fair judgement.
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