
2 Reviews
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Open Water (2003)
Terrifying and Brilliant
28 November 2020
Open Water might be a bit too low budget for many audience members.

But this is a prime example of how budget should not hold back a brilliant concept.

This is as realistic as it comes, from the scene in the hotel room where the couple lounge around completely nude (like people do in real life!), to the anxiety and horror of being in the Open Water, alone.

This might very well be an underrated masterpiece that has spawned numerous awful sequels.
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Win It All (2017)
Swanberg doing a Swanberg
28 November 2020
Really enjoyed this charming bit of film.

There is clear chemistry between the director Joe Swanberg and it's lead Jake Johnson. This is very much a filmmaker who is at the top of his game, working on a loose script, or with improvisation, flawlessly.

There could be a case of a contrived nature to some of the plot but I think the overall feel and structure of the film fits nicely into it's just under 90 minute runtime.

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