
11 Reviews
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The Batman (2022)
An amazing movie not superhero movie just movie.
5 March 2022
So the Batman is probably the best comic book movie I have ever seen. Number one it is visually stunning, the designers did an amazing job bringing Batman and Gotham to life. Number two it has a great story, although long, the story is well told and interesting the end may be a little cheesy but it makes up for it with as I mentioned earlier the visuals. Number three the cast play the characters to perfection, this is the best adaptation of Batman on the big screen (Robert Pattinson is now the best Batman) but if you wanna see an awesome Catwoman, Commissioner Gordon or any other Batman characters don't worry, the other characters are well done and interesting in there own way. I liked everyone in it and Zoë Kravitz and Jeffrey Wright shine in there respective roles. Now the film is great but not perfect like I said it is very long if your looking for just a fun quick Batman movie than I would not recommend. Although it being long does not mean it was boring, it is a very fun and entertaining 3 hours. Other than it being long I have no complaints, it is a well made clever interesting and beautiful film weather you just like movies, your a major Batman fan (I'm both) or even just a person looking for something to do to fill some time I think this is a great choice. I definitely recommend.

PS knowing that Batman listens to the album Nevermind by nirvana in the bat cave is just awesome.
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Batman: The Audio Adventures (2021 Podcast Series)
A really great time
19 September 2021
I was aware of this but didn't have much interest in it until it was Batman day and all the episodes came on HBO Max so out of pure curiosity I gave it a listen and love it, it's a ton of fun the voice actors are pretty great and It's pretty funny. It's a very interesting take on Batman not because of the story's (which are pretty standard) But because of the way there being told it's a very fun and I would recommend it if your a Batman fan if not I think that you may be a bit confused it has a lot of Easter eggs and plots that rely on you knowing a bit more the the average person would know but it's not that big of a deal.
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Amazing film
6 August 2021
This movie was the best super hero movie I have seen and best DC film in general honestly it was a ton of all the characters were amazing and it was really funny.
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It's not good, but it's what you expect.
9 July 2021
For those who think this is going to be a good adaptation of one of the greatest comic books of all time, Well prepare to be disappointed. This takes some parts from long Halloween and some parts from Dark Victory (A Sequel to Long Halloween) And a couple original ideas that are not good. The story is convoluted and choppy,The voice acting is pretty terrible and The animation doesn't work with the style there going for. But for animated movie it's pretty standard.
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It's okay
21 June 2021
It's super choppy and way overrated the action sequences are uninteresting and the dialogue is terrible and is not a good representation of Batman.
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Lazor Wulf (2019–2021)
Some people won't get it but if you do it's great
21 June 2021
Labor wolf is a very funny creative and interesting show. I see a lot of people complaining that it has no story... but that's the point it's random it's crazy and it's not episodic. Overall it's a pretty fun watch that you should try.
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Knives Out (2019)
Refreshing wave of originality
19 April 2021
This movie is actually very good, It's an interesting funny mystery and I feel like almost anyone could enjoy it. The actors are excellent specifically Chris evans. Overall an amazing film and a refreshing wave of originality in a sea of franchises and super hero movies it's good to see that great movies that can still break into the mainstream from time to time.
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The Snyder cut review
12 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Zack Snyder's Justice league is okay. With over four hours of content you get a better version of justice league (2017) but overall it's just longer and darker a lot of the movie the lightning is horrible and does not match with the scene. Also if you where looking for everything Snyder promised it was all there for thirty second dark side only barely there deathstroke end credit scene joker end credit scene which is the only reason I watched it which kinda sucks. But the character development in this is way better than the original cyborg has a way more interesting and epic back story and ark and ray fisher shines in the role but everyone else was kinda pushed to the side. Also when Superman came in he just completely destroyed stepping wolf so that was pretty uncool because it felt like there was no conflict. Overall it was okay I feel like it seems better than it is because it's the only big super hero release since endgame which is almost two years old now so yeah that's my thoughts on it.
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Kubricks best work
16 January 2021
This movie is a zany horrifying dark comedy. It is very cleverly written very well shot and is a very suspenseful film. The ending is not happening and the story isn't a story book it is a real look not only of the idiotic things that where happening back then but also the idiotic things happening now. This movie is truly a work of art and is definitely an amazing work definitely recommend a watch.
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It (2017)
Not very good
19 November 2020
The whole movie is boring the scares are not scary and the dialogue is unbearable.
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Best film ever
3 November 2020
This is my favorite because The comedy the fluent stop motion animation. The dialogue is funny and quick and cleverly written. It is very hard to describe how great this movie is. Wes Anderson is truly the best director in cinema working today.
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