
23 Reviews
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Troppo (2022– )
Nice mystery
3 July 2024
What a pleasant surprise to watch this on a free app. The story is a slow burn mystery. The characters, a middle aged American ex-cop wrongly accused of a crime and a young woman with her own dark past. Together the characters work very well together. I enjoy mysteries. I haven't found much in this category lately, so this is enjoyable.

I like that it's not too graphic . Many thrillers have a lot of shooting and gory scenes.

I'm touched by the actress' struggle in real life. Maybe her determination makes her stronger for a character she plays.

I'm glad there is a second season coming. I'll be waiting!
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Unfrosted (2024)
11 May 2024
I usually don't like a lot of comedies. They're usually crass, not funny, and poorly written. This was cute! It was family friendly. You could watch this with kids or grandkids, and not cringe! Being a child in the 60s and 70s, I get a lot of the 60's references. Maybe younger people wouldn't get some of 60s humor. I didn't expect the movie to be great, but I found myself laughing when I least expected it. The kids in the movie didn't need to be in movie. I don't really like it when kids are shown to be smarter than adults. The cast was good. Jerry Seinfeld, Melissa McCarthy, Hugh Grant did a nice job. A little silly, but cute!
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Irish Wish (2024)
Very sweet!
18 March 2024
It's nice to see a movie that is family friendly. Very charming. Lindsay Lohan is not a particular favorite of mine, but she did a nice job in this movie. I loved her red hair! The scenery was beautiful! A little fantasy was involved, but done very gracefully...not too much. Though the male actors weren't Irish actors, they were very appealing, especially the photographer. It's nice to sit down and just enjoy a nice rom com without swearing or nudity or crassness. It's just a sweet romantic movie about a woman who thinks she knows who she wants as a mate. Things don't always go as expected. Just a fun movie!
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Love this. Such talent!
17 February 2024
I loved it. Not much of a documentary fan, but the talent of all these performers! They worked together for a good cause. It couldn't have been easy to deal with multiple personalities in the group. I loved how different groups were separated according to their vocal range. Michael Jackson, Lionel Ritchie and Harry Belafonte...the possibilities were endless! Many of my favorites were there, as I was a young adult at that time. Swahili? Really Stevie? The looks on some of their faces when he started to sing in Swahili! Ray Charles was joking. I didn't hear his comment. Loved how Stevie helped Bob Dylan...truly he was a "fish out of water".

Kudos to the performers who decided to make this all work (with egos left at the door).
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Made in Italy (2020)
Real father and son
13 February 2024
Liam Neeson and his own son in real life. What a touching movie about loss. This is a loss they know too well after Liam's wife and mother of Micheal, Natasha Richardson died tragically. I have always loved Liam, but this movie is so much more meaningful than his other work.

His son is gorgeous! The scenery is so beautiful! The movie is also about the love of father and son. They lost their bond for a while, but they found it in a project that had so much meaning to them. I don't understand the poor ratings. Perhaps people are used to Liam's action adventure movies. Or they don't know that it kind of has a little bit of truth to their pain in real life. Love movie!
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29 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was excited about watching this movie. The actors in the movie are some of my favorites, Julia Roberts, Manershala Ali, Ethan Hawks and a small part for Kevin Bacon. The writing of movie was not very good. We were confused by inconsistencies of the characters. Mother is concerned about what's going on, but doesn't know where her children are half the time. One child is sick. Why aren't the animals? Why isn't anyone else? Why is the electricity still working? We have more questions than answers. I know the ending is inevitable, but to leave it before tying things together.... Ruth gets found? Family is together?
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So enjoyable!
6 December 2023
What a nice family movie. I watched as an adult and loved it. Not many movies these days are so uplifting and kind like this movie. Katie Holmes is so sweet in this movie, but a strong, independent character. What a positive message to those who think life has beaten them down. The male actor is so appealing. What a kind and giving character. A little tear from me near the end, I would love to see more movies like this. It was so inspiring! The actors were great and very good writing. I hear it's based on a book. I might try reading the book soon. I feel like I need more positive vibes in my life!
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Started off funny
3 September 2023
Movie started off funny. Actors are great. The Story was good about the first hour. The physical exercises on island with island staff was uncomfortable and unfunny. How anyone could think those exercises were funny has to be twisted in the head. The therapy sessions were fine. Disappointed. I laughed a lot in the beginning of movie.

I love Jason Bateman , Kristen Bell, Kristen Davis and I like Vince Vaughn. I think the movie was a little too long and inconsistent. This could have been a fun movie if it was shorter and stayed with the script ...the comedy part with the couples interacting. That was funny!
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80 for Brady (2023)
80 for Brady, not bad
9 July 2023
I didn't even want to watch this movie, but included in Prime. I don't know why the ratings are so poor. The movie is not a great movie, but cute! As a younger boomer, I grew up watching these ladies, especially Sally Field. It's so nice to see them alive and kicking! It's important to represent an older population in movies. I'm not a football fan, not even a fan of Tom Brady...and I live in New England! But I do love the ladies in the movie expressing a love of the game and Brady! Their enthusiasm is contagious! They have a common interest as friends. They might not have a lot of time left. How could you not root for them! Great cast of actors!
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The Bone Garden (II) (2016)
No movie plot
5 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Horrible movie. The last few minutes of movie is disturbing and ridiculous! The woman who's "witnessing" bodies being moved around is the real killer? How does that happen? What was the neighbor doing, then? Her friend seems very much like someone who would kill. Was her character really necessary? I'm tired of watching a whole movie and finding out how lame the ending is. Did the writer get lazy or had no ideas as to how to end movie? Had I known how it ended, I wouldn't have watched the movie. The movie was poorly written. It was all over the place. There wasn't even one likable character. Waste of time. Don't even bother.
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Beautiful story of being lonely but loved
7 May 2023
Otto is a heartbroken lonely older man who attempts to end it all without much success. He meets his wonderful neighbors , who help him have an appreciation of what it's like to live and love.

Elderly loneliness is often untold. Tom Hanks character is a terrific example of how community around him can make his life meaningful again. I love Tom Hanks. I'm not surprised he used this movie for his message of community and love.

It's a great family movie, too. Important message in theme of movie is to seek out help.

I'd love to see more sentimental stories of the good in our society. "A feel good movie".
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I loved this!
15 March 2023
I didn't expect much. I'm not an Ashton Kutcher fan. Usually he is too silly and immature for my taste. I found his character very likable in this movie! I miss this kind of ROM COM. Characters were likable, but flawed. Peter Coleman is immature, but softens his personality when he cares for Debbie's son Jack, and thinks of Jack's happiness. It was a story I haven't seen in quite a while. It's a kind, sweet movie. No nudity or violence, or based mostly on sex. I can't understand the low ratings. I personally like strong women and a caring male, who's not a wimp, but not overly macho. . Gen X watcher and I loved this! More of these, please.
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Pieces of Her (2022)
Interesting story!
7 March 2022
I liked it. A mother with secrets. Daughter confused by a web of lies, not knowing who to trust. Past secrets .A little slow at times, but is a good mystery! It could have been a little better, but kept our attention!
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If it seems too good to be true.....
23 February 2022
It's disturbing how women get conned by these men. Women need to take care of themselves and their safety. Women have been assaulted on Tinder. They really didn't know him. If Simon was rich, why did he need money? A lot of red flags should have made them skeptical. These women are lucky to be alive.
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Brazen (2022)
Loved it! I read book !
14 January 2022
I loved this! I'm a big Nora Roberts fan. The story is typical of her thrillers. I read this book years ago. No heavy swearing or graphic sex. I can watch it with my older children without being embarrassed. I like Alyssa Milano. I havent seen her lately. It's just a nice cozy mystery. It's not everyone's style but I enjoyed it!
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The Starling (2021)
Love this movie!
28 September 2021
This movie is wonderful! I don't usually watch sad movies, but this was well done! Sadness, but a little of Melissas humor! I highly recommend. Im not sure why people didn't like this.
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Worth (2020)
Good movie but missing info.
6 September 2021
I liked the movie, but the movie only focused on New York Victims. The planes originated in Boston. We lost a friend from 9/11, and many more suffered in Massachusetts. It was interesting to learn about how hard it was to put a monetary value on someone and the impact it has on the families of the victims. The lawyer went on to do more in other tragedies.
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Blue Miracle (2021)
Nice family movie
28 May 2021
I loved it. Nice for family, even adults! I watched it alone. Such a good movie about orphans and great role models for them. Nice to watch a movie without all the garbage.
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Calls (2021– )
Not a sci fi fan or podcast fan, but wow!
25 March 2021
I didn't want to watch this knowing it was audio only. I did try it. I listened to every episode in one night. I have a bad attention span, but couldn't stop! ! Well written and keeps you wondering what's going to happen next. Loved it!
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Great movie!
6 March 2021
This was so funny at a time when I needed it. Most comedies now are rude, full of bad language and sex. I try to watch movies with my adult son, but a lot are too embarrassing to watch. This was a cleaner movie, not like a children's movie, but very funny and entertaining. I still have the vhs of original movie. This movie didn't disappoint! I loved the original cast! Eddie Murphy, Arsenio Hall, Wesley Snipes. Leslie Jones had us crying laughing. We need more movies like this!!!
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Liked it!
28 December 2020
The movie was unconventional, but well written and entertaining. Great choice of actors. I can't wait to see if there will be a season 2.
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Christmas on Ice (2020 TV Movie)
Filmed in Worcester, MA!
20 December 2020
Cute movie in a city with little attention given to it. I love skating. This movie is entertaining!
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7 November 2020
Nice romantic story. Family friendly, but entertaining for adults!
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