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It's like fine wine, it gets better with age
14 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
About eight years ago, I watched Josie and the Pussycats on DVD, and gees I thought it was so bad, it deserved a two out of ten. I watched the movie last week on FMC, and I finally got it.

The synopsis of the movie, a boy group called Du Jour dies in a plane crash. Alan Cumming's character Wyatt Flemming is sent to a small town to find the next band, where he stumbles across Josie and the Pussy Cats. On the surface the Josie and the Pussy Cats are selling CD's. But, Josie and the Pussycats don't realize that there music label has loaded their songs with subliminal messages; which is used to sell a lifestyle.

When I watched the movie last week, I totally got it, as the movie parodied the boy/girl bands of the 1990s. We should not forget that the sound of the groups are (heavily) processed. Everything from the dance moves to facial movements are well choreographed. Also, these bands were in the business of selling the latest fads. Groups such as N*Sync, Backstreet Boys, and Spice Girls were selling an assortment of items such i.e. soft drinks. It is amazing that the movie managed to pick up on the little things that sells a manufactured pop group.

My favorite scene of of the movie, when Wyatt Flemming stopped his mini van at the traffic lights, then Josie and the Pussycats walked in front of his car; then they paused. Then Meat Loaf's Paradise by the Dashboard Light cued. Whilst the song was playing, Wyatt removes a CD from its cover: then he frames the girls inside of the cover. Behind Josie and the Pussycats, a sign stated, "World's number 1 Band". Wyatt looks towards the camera mounted on the passenger side and he smiles.

All those years ago, I did not realized what I missed on. But lucky for me I caught the movie last week, and I enjoyed it. It parodied the manufactured pop groups of the 1990's. For those people who did not get the film, I would recommend that you watch it in another couple of years, and you may have another perspective on the movie.
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Equilibrium (2002)
Though provoking
25 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The synopsis of the movie, after the Third World War, the government of Libria instituted a series of laws and regulations to stop, "sense offenders". Christian Bale's character Grammaton Cleric Preston, is responsible for enforcing the laws of Libria; and this is done by distributing a mind control drug, suppressing emotions, and destroying personal effects. Nevertheless, Grammaton Cleric Preston, has an epiphany and he realizes that the he can no longer enforce the draconian laws of Libria. After siding with the resistance, Preston decides to eliminate Libria's grand figure called, "Father". To cut the story short, Preston helps the Resistance to take down the draconian government of Libria.

On the surface, Equilibrium may seem to to be a far stretch, but there are many authoritative regimes throughout the world, who will do anything to maintain control. What I like about this movie, it gives me a sense of what it is like to live in a country such as North Korea or Singapore. Meanwhile in western countries, there is a crack down on terrorists and sex offenders. The reality is, many governments throughout the world will use the power of nightmares to control their citizens.

If you liked Equilibrium, you should check out Fahrenheit 451.
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The theme got to me mama
26 May 2008
There are two things that go through my mind when I watch My Gym Partner's a Monkey: 1) It is a cartoon 2) Comedy. I suspect if I were living in some bizzaro cartoon universe, anything is possible i.e. my jaw dropping to the ground, and my tongue dragging on the floor.

Back to the cartoon itself. As Jake's last name is Lion; subsequently he is shifted from a human school to an animal school. Basically Charles Darwin School is used to educate young animals. Again, this scenario could be possible in a cartoon universe. Jake Spider-Monkey and Adam Lion are best friends, and they get up to all sorts of stuff. One of my favorite episodes is, when the animals from Charles Darwin School, stayed at Adam's house for the night.

For a cartoon that has been produced on the cheap, I like it, because it is funny. If you want realism, well go and watch Nat Geo, or Discovery. It is a cartoon, Jake Spider-Monkey and Adam Lion can do anything they want, ranging from a talking Spider-Monkey, to being transferred to an animal school.

Nevertheless, my Gym Partner's a Monkey, could be a metaphor for school. Looking back at my youth, there is one place that could come close to a zoo, and that is high school, as the kids are out of control, and all the students are tearing each other to bits.

I have to give the my Gym Partner's a Monkey 8/10. That theme song is going to haunt me, until the day I die.
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The Golden Girls (1985–1992)
Good then, great now.
24 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I remember watching Golden Girls when I was a teenager, and the Golden Girls was cool. But I love watching The Golden Girls in re-runs. The Golden Girls has it all, great actors and brilliant writers. Another reason why I absolutely love this show, because four elderly ladies managed to pull of a hit show; despite the fact that the 1980s was so obsessed with youth and the latest fads. The reason why I stated that The Golden Girls was good then and great now, because the show was enjoyable as teenager, but now the show comes across as genuine, and it is so deep and meaningful. We should not forget that The Golden Girls was originally shown on network TV, yet they talked about issues such as suicide and homosexuality. I still remember the episode with Dorthy's lesbian friend had fallen in love with Rose. Not to many shows out there that can place a hilarious spin on a precarious situation. I forgotten to mention, Dorothy, Sophia, Blanch and Rose were all so so enjoyable. Sure that the Golden Girls finished way back in 1992, but for some reason this show will continue to live on through the ages. Who knows in another two hundred years, aliens could be attracted to Earth because of the Golden Girls.
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Desperate Housewives (2004–2012)
It's Sex in the Suburbs, or is it?
20 September 2007
Unfortunately in the land of Oz, it can take us ages before we see the latest hit television shows from the US; and before I had seen Desperate Housewives, I thought it may be along the lines of Sex and the City, except it was set in the suburbs. However I was wrong, and Desperate Housewives is 100 times better than Sex and the City. Still I do like watch Sex and the City.

Oh yeah back to Desperate Housewives. From the first episode, you can see that Desperate Housewives was destined to become cult TV. With most television shows, I tend to become quite bored, quite early. Yet through out the years; the script writers of Desperate Housewives have managed to maintain my interest in this fantastic show.

With Desperate Housewives, they try to unmask the mysteries of conservative suburbia. The show examines the issues of relationships, homosexuality, pedophilia; all the things that are not meant to happen on our local streets. Yet the reality is, no place within the western world is shielded from these issues.

The success of DH is also based on the characters of the show; and those fine ladies who are honest to their characters. The way Marcia Gross has managed to capture the essence of Bree Van Der Kamp is absolutely brilliant. The problem with Bree's Conservative facade, her son is gay, and the daughter is the girl of the town, and lets not forget how her former husband had a kinky side.

By the way, it is was a masterstroke, how they casted Terri Hatcher to play the part of Susan Myers. In short, Terri Hatcher was born to play the part of Susan Myers.

Also Gabriella, Susan, and Edie do have a function, as they are meant to appeal to the different aspects of our complex lives. By the way, my brains nearly exploded, when Zack Young was in pursuit of Gabriella.

On the whole, Desperate Housewives is a fantastic show. Again with great script writers, great actors, and great characters, this show will continue through out the ages. Desperate Housewives is not so such much a television show, it's art in motion.
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Grumpy Old Men (2003– )
Great Show
9 January 2007
OK at first glance Grumpy Old Men does not sound like a promising title for a television show. However Grumpy Old Men is a relatively funny show, with a few home truths. Ten years ago it was possible for me to use a remote control with little to no care, and it would work. Now I am in my thirties, and I need to have a degree in Rocket Science to work my bloody DVD recorder. The older I am getting, the grumpier I feel. Phew if you are in middle thirties, and you notice there is change, but you don't know what you are turning into; then the contributors of Grumpy Old Men can help to answer some of those questions. I am telling you ladies, being a man in his thirties, my mid life crisis isn't about dating super models and driving sport cars. Yes the air has gone out of the tyre, yet that excessive air has managed to make its way to my stomach, and now I am a cynic. I am not a cynic, just my heart is not in it.

Back to the show. I think it is about time, there is a show that deals with a man's perception of the world, especially when it comes to the lousy aging process. If you hit the mid thirties, and you feel that the world has done you wrong, then Grumpy Old Men is for you. Grumpy Old Men certainly deserves a 9 out 10.
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Family Guy (1999– )
Great Show
23 June 2006
I totally would disagree with some members of this forum, as Family Guy has managed to carve out its own niche within the comedy genre. Yes The Simpson's is one of the smartest shows on TV: yet Family Guy seems to be different from The Simpsons. I do appreciate Seth MacFarlane's sense of humour. The episode titled Peterotica, was out there, when the Kool Aid guy was speaking with an Afro American accent: I am making an assumption that Afro-Americans have an affinity with Kool Aid. On the surface Family Guy may seem racist, however the best way to break down the barriers is to use comedy.

As it has been widely speculated, The Simpsons is only two seasons away from being axed: meaning that Family Guy and American Dad are slowly being set up as the replacement shows. All I can say, I am looking forward to future episodes.
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Cribs (2000– )
Junk TV?
25 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
MTV Cribs has to be one of the coolest shows on television. Yes it is junk TV, and like junk food, it is highly addictive. As someone who is 30 plus, I should be watching VH1, but Cribs is the only show worth watching on MTV.

The premise of the show, you get to tour the homes of the rich and famous. For those who want to know the eating habits of the god-like celebrities, you even get an inside look into their fridge. WOW!!!.

I really don't know why I love MTV Cribs, it might have to do with the funky camera angles, or the dubbed music. Who cares, it is different and cool, yet it makes you feel a little younger.

By the way, I also recommend MTV boiling points.
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25 November 2005
Well someone who enjoys traveling down the highway at 120kmph, eating McDonalds, and running the air conditioner twenty four seven, and watching Fox News non-stop, I found this documentary interesting. One thing I picked up, when they being they talk about North America, I assume this documentary was Fabrique Au Canadie. For the Canadian bashing I will leave that to Bill O'Reilly.

The consequence of the depletion of oil will affect everyone, especially those who live in big countries of Australia, Canada and the United States. I am sure that Green Peace are cheering no more gas, means no more SUVs, without realizing people who live in the sub zero temperatures could starve to death.

As someone who has studied economics, I know for a fact we are living in a world of finite resources. I will give the documentary props for trying to present a balanced point of view about the depletion of oil. However I am studying a degree in journalism, this documentary is full of loaded messages - Republican as warmongers. What the Democrats didn't send troops to Vietnam?

If you are going to present a documentary about economics and resources, it is best to leave the political bashing to one side, because it could cause a potential audience member to totally shut down. Concentrate on the issue of finite resources. At the end of the day, it is best to open the minds of the mainstream, as it is no good preaching to the minuscule choir.

I really do enjoy watching documentaries such as Fahrenheit 911, and End of Suburbia not for their political bias, because they do remind us the world isn't so safe. Sure I like to shop, and consumer junk food like there is no tomorrow, but if the world is going to end tomorrow I would rather die rich and consume the living beep out of it.

For the potential documentary makers out there, just give the people facts, and let the viewers make up their own minds. If you are trying package your political views as a balanced documentary the people are going to smell a rat a mile away.
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That Girl
16 November 2005
OK. Lets face it Confessions of a teenage drama queen would have received a critics award, if Lindsay Lohan's character Lola Cep: a) had an abortion b) became a lesbian c) president of the student chapter of the ACLU.

I have to break away from the pseudo intellectuals, and honestly say Confessions of teenage drama queen was a totally mind blowing movie. Lindsay Lohan really got into the character of Lola Cep, as she had all the motions of drama queen. For the critics who were in born in test tube, they wouldn't have experienced the emotional roller coaster of adolescence. Lohan deserves an 8/10.

Another thing I liked about Lola Cep, she was smart, witty and extremely funny. Come on how many teenage movies make a reference to Wuthering Heights and Ghandi?

The character Miss Baggoli played by Carol Kane was absolutely brilliant. It seemed like if it was a real teacher acting in a movie. I even had an Italian American lecturer who had the elements of Miss Baggoli. This would be the first time an actor would deserve a 10/10.

Alison Pill. At first she kind of bugged me, not because of her acting, because she looks like someone. Oh like da she looks like Geena Davis. Alison Pill as Ella was extremely gifted. For a person who was seventeen at the time of production, she had the acting skills of a thirty four year old. 8/10.

One thing I noticed about the other comments (about this movie) you either love or hate it. The great thing about living in a democracy you are entitled to your say. No is wrong or right. However if you are someone who wants a bit of grit and realism, Confessions of a teenage drama queen may not be for you. Judging the movie based on Lohan's performance is really being unfair to the cast and crew who worked hard on this movie.

Just crunched the numbers, this movie deserves an 8.6 out of ten.
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Do You Know Where Your Partner Is?
18 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
2005 hasn't exactly been the best year for movies. I really can't think when there has been such a lull in Hollywood. OK Mrs and Mrs Smith hasn't really set the world of movies on fire, but on the flip side it has its moments.

The premise of the movie, Mrs and Mrs Smith live comfortably in their suburban paradise. All isn't well in Pleasantville, when they suspect each other of conducting extramarital affairs. Neither Mrs and Mrs Smith realise that they work for secret organisations. From there, the jealousy could either kill them or enhance their marriage.

The performance of Joile was like her looks totally flawless. Brad Pitt wasn't that bad. In the back of my mind, this movie would have been better scripted for Catherine Zeta Jones and George Clooney.

Mrs and Smith has a refined look, and it was well choreographed, especially the scene in the home hardware store. To a certain extent the movie is predictable, but on the other hand it has some twists and turns. I would have to watch the movie again to give it an educated opinion. I really don't know if it was the casting or the script which caused the downfall of the movie. On the whole, Mrs and Mrs Smith is a relatively decent movie, but I felt there was some room for improvement.
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New York Minute (I) (2004)
New York Minute or New York Second?
7 March 2005
OK about a month ago, the cable company was advertising the crap out NYM and to my surprise, it was a funny movie. What was more amazing the Olsen sisters aren't bad actors. NYM minute wouldn't be the type of movie I would pay $12.00 at the cinema (besides the shame factor), however if you do take the time to watch it, you might be amazed.

I know there are going to be a lot people asking me why do I like this movie? The answer is simple it is easy to follow and it's down right hilarious. Sure NYM wouldn't last a New York Second during the theatrical release, but it is suitable for a quiet night at home.

New York Minute may not be in the same category as House of Sand and Fog or Donnie Darko, but lets not forget it is a comedy.

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Fantasy Island (1977–1984)
Don't Expect Much
22 February 2005
OK people don't expect much from Fantasy Island. The synopsis of the show, guests arrive on the island for a weekend where they have the ability to fulfill their fantasies.

I wouldn't be surprised that ABC was going through a tough patch during the 1970s and they would do anything to fill the time slots, hence Fantasy Island. All aside from the cheesy production values and the low low budget, Fantasy Island is worthy of a glimpse from time to time.

Lucky for us in 2005 we managed to hop on a plane and escape the clutches of Aaron Spelling's Fantasy Island. The down side is, the plane crashed and we landed on Survivor Island. Just got an idea Mr Roarke could vote Jeff Probst off the Island. For the unimaginative TV execs that was a joke.

Conclusion no more island hopping.
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C.A.F.T has got my V8 going
10 July 2003
I really don't know why there are so many people out there in the land of IMDB, who have a negative perspective of Full Throttle, because I thoroughly enjoyed it. In my neck of the woods, we would refer to Charlie's Angels as gammin, because it is cool, yet kind of cheesy, but then again the movie was deliberately made like that. Ease up people if you don't like three beautiful women having fun, using their feminine charms to get the job done, then we might as well pack our bags and live in Saudi Arabia. The writers have gone out their way to inject some humour into this movie, and the DOP was done a fantastic job with the camera angles. I am sure if there was a subtext in the movie, go out and have fun.

McG great job.

7 out 10
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Very Suspenseful
10 June 2003
I personally think that Robert Zemeckis is an extremely brave man, by emulating the master of suspense, the one and only Alfred Hitchcock. What Lies Beneath is full of twist and turns, the idiosyncratic characters gave the movie that Hitchcock look. For some strange reason, when I was watching WLB, I had flashbacks to Psycho and North by Northwest. This movie is worthy of an eight out of ten.
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One Expensive Riddle
21 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
May contain spoiler

The special effects and acting were absolutely brilliant. Meanwhile some parts of the movie were an absolute brainteaser. I mean what are the Oracle and the Architect trying to tell us? Are they trying to tell us something about fate and morality? Does a huge super computer drive our universe, and we are the components within it? One thing I really appreciate about the Matrix, it is an expensive riddle with no answers.
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And the show goes on
3 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
May contain a spoiler!!!

As someone who doesn't like cartoons and comic books, I tend to avoid movies such as X-men. Nevertheless, X1 was the only movie left on the DVD shelf, so I decided to watch it. Needless to say, I really enjoyed the movie therefore I had to catch X2.

X2 would have to be one of the most thought provoking science fiction movies to have ever been made. Most science fiction movies tend to concentrate on issues such as freedom and liberties years from now. To my knowledge I have never known a science fiction movie to tap into the current issues. For example the Mutant Registry Act is based on John Ashcroft's Terrorism Registry.

Per se the acting and special effects were brilliant, nevertheless, they could have compressed the action into a shorter time frame. As it is no secret that X3 is on its way, they could have modified the ending. For example the movie should have concluded, at the White House, when professor Xavier said, "We'll be watching you". All aside, I really enjoyed the performance of Mystique, Magneto and Professor Xavier. I was kind of disappointed with Lady Deathstrike, as her part was kept to the bare minimum.

If and when they decide to make X3 I hope they can combine some of elements of the previous two movies. I also hope that X3 is shorter and more action packed. If they manage to combine the right acting, plot, and the special effects, X3 should do extremely well.

I'll give the movie a 7 out 10. However the mysterious Mystique deserves a 10 out 10.
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This movie was laugh-a-thon
3 May 2003
As someone who usually despises Ali G, Ali G Indahouse was absolutely brilliant. When I was watching it, I was in a hysterical fit. Yes it is sexist, rude and extremely crude, and I loved it. As some comedies are only have one or two comical scenes, this movie was laugh-a-thon. I have never seen a comedy as original as Ali G Indahouse.For a comedy starring Ali G, this would be worthy of an 8 out 10. Absolutely Brilliant.
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Oh buggar
3 May 2003
As someone who has never played Tomb Raider, I really enjoyed the movie. One thing I have noticed, that Tomb Raider hasn't been well received by the female audience. I on the other hand actually thought that Angelina Joile was perfect for the part. Apart from Angelina appearance, her acting was first class and the plot was easy to follow. Oh yeah the CGI was pretty darn good.

I noticed how some people have scorned Tomb Raider, as it is not an art house film, yet I personally think it is worthy of a 7 out of 10. I can't wait for the sequel.
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Big Momma Has Got Game!!!
19 March 2003
I think we should take Big Momma's House as a comedy, nothing more, nothing less. At first I thought it was really bad, but then I was watching it the other night and my ribs were tickling. When Big Momma was fulfilling the role as the local midwife, I was in a hysterical fit, as she applied the cooking oil, to lubricate for the pathway for the baby (sick I know). The security guard was an absolute nutter, when he walked into Malcolm's place, and he thought Big Momma had been carved up. If you haven't seen the movie yet, you should see what happens with the flashlight.

Great Comedy, worth of a 7 out 10.
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Thought Provoking
16 March 2003
Enemy of the State is one of those movies, where one moment you are enjoying the freedom and privileges of a western society, and the next minute you could be labelled as criminal. Governments and to a lesser extent corporations are doing everything and anything in their power to quell opposition and to control the people. You don't have to live in a country like Singapore or China, where you can be punished for viewing 'objectionable' material. Unfortunately governments throughout the western world are using the guise of national security to crack down on their own citizens. We may never know where this tracking technology could take us, because within the future we could be punished on the grounds of morality?

If you like you conspiracy movies such as Minority Report, Enemy of the State may be worth your viewing time.
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Austin Still Has Mojo Baby
14 March 2003
Goldmember would have to be the funniest instalment from the Austin Powers trilogy, and I especially enjoyed the jokes about the plan, Preparation H. Yes I totally agree that it does feel good on the (w)hole. Yes I would like to have some chocolate a#s cream. If you are not the type of person who does not have a potty sense of humour, then Goldmember may not be for you. However being in the true style of Mike Myers, it is full of sexual innuendos and double entendres.

7 out 10
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Donnie Darko (2001)
Something is Happening
12 March 2003
It was about a month ago I went down to my local Blockbuster, and there really wasn't much left on the shelf. Consequently decided to watch Donnie Darko out of sheer boredom. To be honest the movie wasn't that bad.

The synopsis of the movie was to enlighten the viewer about the theory of timelines and how those timelines decided your fate. However my personal thoughts about the movie, that ending was a little sketchy, as the 'real' reality did not coincide with the 'alternative' reality. The movie that came close to capturing the theory of timelines was Sliding Doors. Obiter Dictum I personally think that the theories of timelines should be thought of as two train lines that have to intersect.

All aside the low budget actually enhanced the appeal of the movie, as it gave it an eighties look. Moreover the movie montage dubbed to Tears for Fears - Head Over Heals was absolutely brilliant.

I really can't say that Donnie Darko isn't one of my all time favourites, however the movie is unforgettable. Apart from some of its flaws, the movie does deserve a high rating of 8 out 10.
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Best Bond Ever
13 December 2002
I notice how some people have commented that D.A.D is not in the true style of James Bond, however this would have to best Bond ever. Thanks to Tamahori's vision, James Bond has been dragged into the 21st century in terms of its CGI, editing and photography. Moreover the performance from Pearce Brosnan, Halle Berry and Judi Dench was fantastic. By combining well-established actors with the latest technology, Tamahori has taken the Bond series to the next level. The previous 19 Bonds they tend to be boring after the first 20 minutes, yet D.A.D is action packed, with my eyes fixated to the screen through out the whole movie. I personally think this would have to be best Bond ever.

8 out 10
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Dante's Peak (1997)
Dante's Pit
15 November 2002
All I can say, this could have been the perfect opportunity to advertise a four wheel drive, because I never realised that you could drive your 4WD across a lava flow or dodge flying boulders.

If you are tempted, I mean really tempted to watch the video, place a peg on your nose, because the movie smells worse than sulphuric acid. Just as well they haven't invented the smellyvision.
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