
3 Reviews
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Did the Mob Kill JFK? (2009 TV Movie)
17 November 2010
Of all the JFK movies and documentaries I've seen, this is by far the worst! The only reason I gave it 1 out of 10, is that there is no 0 out of 10 option! All theory and little evidence of conspiracy. When it does approach something resembling a point, it then goes off at a tangent! Do the mob have the authority to make the Secret Service stand down? No. Do the mob have the ability to make the police be so inept on the day, allowing the shooter (or one of the shooters) to leave the book depository? No. Do the mob have the ability to get the Warren Commission to ignore the testimony of most of the witnesses, and all of the evidence? No! Seriously, don't waste your time watching this!
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Body Shots (1999)
How to make a short story, unnnnneccccccessssarillly l-o-n-g.
15 December 2001
Characatured characters, cliched scenarios and crass dialogue, ladened with exposition.

If the writer/director/producers had just got on with telling the story, they would not have to have such lame lines as one girl telling the other that her boobs were new. Having had the operation herself, I'm sure the girl knew it, so why tell her? LAME EXPOSITION. There's tons of it.

Then you have the four representative guys, the suiet decent guy, the normal guy, the jock and the nerd.

These guys never exist as a group in real life, as anyone who had more than 2 brain cells would be bored to death with the jock in 8.5 seconds. Any guy, who thinks he's a cool dude, about to score with some hot chic, is NO WAY, going to take a nerd along - I REPEAT - NO WAY! You are just not going to risk putting a girl off by hanging with geeks!

The girls are vapid, post modern, pre-pubescent (intellectually that is) teasers. Who in the current trend, have to talk dirty.

This type of frank discussion works well for older women, Mrs Robinson, "The Graduate", Carrie Bradshaw et al - "Sex and the City", but in girl who are barely out of school, it's crass. The have no credibility and have about as much chance of blowing a guy mind, as an electric toothbrush. One night stand, ok sex that's it. Certainly not a night to remember.

New Line Cinema usually create, imaginative, off beat good films, but this is a bust. THIS IS CERTAINLY NO "GO"!
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Very Disappointing! The scariest part of the film is the Close up of the Phil Collins C.D. Cover!
29 June 2001
This had the potential to be brilliant, but is very poorly written.

The dialogue is weak to say the least. The main character's dialogue is inane and pretentious, and the feeble attempt to add depth by petty obsessiveness does not work to the judging eye.

Also he is remarkably insecure, which is greatly at odds with his achievement in life - a brilliant, calculating careerman, which is what he must have been up to this point in his life to get the office that he has!

In the parts where Bale is about to wreak havoc, he embarks on post-modern soliloquy, based on the careers of Pop Stars. No doubt, the aim of these commentaries, was to chill our spines, that this highly reasoning, exponent of individualism, could use his intelligence to mindlessly chop people up!

However, rather than being spine tingling, the dialogue merely bores us to death and the victims surely would not have felt any pain, and they would have been rendered unconscious by his mind-numbing long before he got around to dismembering them.

Where the hell was the end? Perhaps they realized it was going to be as pants as the rest of the movie and cut it!

The scariest part of the film is the Close up of Phil Collins C.D. Cover!

Sorry Christian, this film couldn't cut mustard, let alone it's victims!
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