
15 Reviews
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Grease (1978)
10 May 2021
Its a little enjoyable i Guess i liked it A little bit.
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Kamen Rider (1979–1980)
No one else reviewed it so i had to
25 April 2021
Your standard kamen rider stuff really goofy mosnyers awesome music and awesome action 10/10.
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Evil Dead II (1987)
Best horror
30 March 2021
One of the greatest and maybe the greatest low budget film ever produced evil dead 2 is a Near masterpiece of cinema and one of the most important films. Also dont watch commando 1985 it sucks :D.
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My favourite show
22 March 2021
Next do Doctor who and top feat nothing tops this nothing infinitely rewatchable.Also BuY on dvd its worth it to support James "hod" rolfe
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A Giant joke...that is. A masterpiece
22 March 2021
Its funny and it was really good.good parody of trash scifi filme like plán 9
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This episode is pure evil
22 March 2021
Just like commando this is the worst of a particular medium this tíme of tv shows its just a Bad episode and feels like IT was Made by me when i was 12 it sucks!!!
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Commando (1985)
Worst movie ever
16 March 2021
Stressful boring sometimes fun didnt watch it Fully only 30 minutes 5 minutes of IT where funt tho.villian was kinda cool i Guess...
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Red Dwarf (1988– )
Beautiful entertaining show
5 March 2021
Very entertaining although not asas they say its very charming and Has a Nice theme song.
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The Evil Dead (1981)
Greatest horror
3 March 2021
Scariest film ive ever Seen.Sam raimi is a legend.
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Best parody ever
28 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
War. War never changes. Or does it? The war has changed. Did it? The answer is "no". Unless it is "yes". No, of course it is! Is war. Yes! No. Yes?
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Boku No Pico (2006–2008)
Stupid pedo dogshit
22 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Shitty anime that will make you wanna commit D E A T H
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A masterpiece of entertainment
25 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This "movie" is am absolute masterpiece its got the best acting and action ever put into film 10/10
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Who's Next (2018)
Worst movie ever?
21 November 2020
Maybe yes.Anyway it sucks and cant be talent seriously even if the subjekt matter is quite serious.
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Really good episode!
25 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the this. Overall its very fun!
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The Filthy Frank Show: Asian Pizza (2017)
Season 7, Episode 7
R.i.p filthy frank
23 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was a good one i reccomend it the lyrics of the song are funny and the title sounds like a finish metal band name! 10/10
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