
10 Reviews
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Soft & Quiet (2022)
30 April 2024
This is by far one of the most disturbing movies I've ever seen. And I'm a horror fan, so I've seen some super disturbing movies. I came into this one blind-no clue what it was about-and I was uncomfortable from the very start (at first for reasons I couldn't quite name...just a general sense of unease and confusion mixed with suspicion). I won't go into the details for anyone avoiding spoilers, but this movie made me physically sick, and I'm not particularly squeamish. It's not a gory movie, and they don't show the most violent acts, but the onslaught of hatred is just never ending, and the bombardment of insane rhetoric and mental gymnastics (from the characters) is relentless. I feel like I need to go take a shower. Some horror movies are just a little too realistic for my taste (and I had no idea that's what this was when I started watching). I'm not sure if everyone would categorize this as horror, but I don't know what else to call it.
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Better Watch Out (II) (2016)
WAY creepier than expected
8 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I expected this to be your run-of-the-mill invader/slasher flick (just with a xmas theme) but was pleasantly surprised to find it far more disturbing than first impressions. I hate to say, but I work with kids this age and this movie was horrifyingly believable on far too many levels. I love horror movies but, as I've gotten older, I've become increasingly bored by the predictability, so it's nice when something catches me off guard by doing something a bit different. Overall I thought the movie was well done, and I liked the acting. It was above par slasher level in appearance and feel (not cheap/good cast/big studio feel).
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15 July 2023
I'm so glad to see someone shining a light on this dangerous cult. I've met so many women who're trying to put their lives back together after growing up in religions like this, and I hate how the manipulation and abuse is just completely ignored by the media until something truly atrocious happens. I wish the documentary had gone into more depth about the psychological tactics used by these people (and all cults) because I think if more people were aware of what manipulation actually looked and sounded like we'd have a better chance of combating it and protecting those in danger. But overall I thought they did a great job of showing how interconnected and systematic the abuse is and how they use it to uphold their power structures. It warms my heart to see so many overcoming their past and speaking out, but it also breaks my heart to think how many are still trapped in this brainwashed abyss. That these people are looking to infiltrate the government (and have already done so on all levels) terrifies me to no end.
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Jacob's Ladder (I) (1990)
One of my favorite movies of all time 9.5
19 May 2023
This movie is one of those rare combinations of thriller, mystery, drama mixed with a gut-wrenching depth of psychological and spiritual truth. It's like a gut-punch to your subconscious. The way this is shot and the incredible acting just make the amazing-ness of the plot all the more stunning. This is storytelling gold. And it feels strangely personal, as if the movie is for YOU rather than an audience at large. There's something ineffable about it. I don't get that from most movies (and it would probably be exhausting if I did), but it's wonderful to find a movie that goes so far below the surface and hits on something innately and wordlessly real.
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Candyman (2021)
Way better than I expected
19 May 2023
I'd been avoiding this because I don't usually enjoy remakes/reboots. But this was surprisingly good. When they started out by having a different interpretation of Candyman at the beginning, I hated the idea (don't mess with the classics!), but I ended up loving how they wove it all together. They didn't take away from the original, they added to it. I thought the acting was good, and I liked the look of the movie. I don't know what some of these reviewers are talking about saying the acting was bad and the movie looked cheap. Parts of it were downright beautiful. I also don't know why some people are complaining that this movie is too political. Did they not watch the original? Candyman's origin story has always been a commentary on racial violence. As for whether this is horror or not ... uh yeah, it is. It's sort of psychological/cerebral, but it's a definitely a slasher movie. A killer hunting people down. Blood spray. Mutilated bodies. Yep, all the hallmarks of a slasher movie. But I guess creepiness is in the eye of the beholder. I personally enjoyed this movie and would watch it again. 7.2/10.
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Ghost World (2001)
18 May 2023
I thought I would really like this movie, as it seems like my kind of vibe and I like the people in it, but it just kinda fizzled for me. I appreciate what it was about, and I didn't have any problems with the underlying themes of finding where you fit in the world and shifting viewpoints as one enters adulthood; I just found the presentation underwhelming. I won't say this movie wasn't about anything, because that's not true. It's more that it felt a bit lifeless, and I didn't particularly like any of the characters except Steve Buscemi. Even at my most depressed and jaded, I wasn't as thoughtless and blasé as these girls. I couldn't really root for Enid, and that's kind of a requirement for good storytelling, a relatable protagonist. (But I'm sure she's relatable to others, and I don't want crap on anyone's connection. It just wasn't for me.) I thought the movie was leading toward some sort of "growing up" or maturing humanity for Enid, but nope. She feels a little bad about what she's done, yet I got no sense that she'd grown in any way by the end. Weirdly, despite not enjoying the movie, I did like the end (although I saw it coming as soon as she mentioned the idea). A bit predictable, but oddly satisfying? She didn't fit in where she was, and there seemed to be no answers for her, so I can't imagine how else they could've ended the movie.

I loved Steve Buscemi in this, and I think he's the only reason I gave it a six. Although I could find lots of small little bits I liked, overall , I was disappointed with the movie. I will NEVER watch this again.
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Whiplash (2014)
A celebration of manipulation
29 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a musician, so I love movies about musicians, but this wasn't about music or the love of music. This was about glorifying mental instability and emotional abuse. They should've just called it Dueling Egos. On the plus side, the acting was great, and in general the storytelling was gripping. But, except for Andrew's descent into madness, there is no character arc for either of the main characters. The movie ends by inferring that these two have come to terms with each other, that Andrew has withstood and conquered Fletcher's "trial by fire." But much like Andrew's father, all I saw was a kid irrevocably harmed by abuse, culminating in one big breakdown while on stage playing the drums. Which is kind of a great metaphor for how we view mental health in the US. There's a lot of lip service, claiming its importance, but really most people think abuse is fine as long as, in the end, you can rebrand it as "success."
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20 May 2022
This had a lot of good things going for it: a decent plot idea, good actors, nice cinematography, creepy vibe, a creative take on the whole coming-of-age genre. But it totally fell flat. It didn't go anywhere. Parts were just completely pointless and it took itself waaaay too seriously. In the end it had no discernible cohesion. Not really worth a watch.
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Mid90s (2018)
Raw and touching
22 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm probably not the target audience for this movie. I'm 41 and female, and I spent most of the film wanting to hug the hell out of this poor kid. It had me stressed. But under all the posturing and peer pressure, this movie was a raw and authentic glimpse into the hash reality of f*cked up families and an impressionable young kid trying to find his place in the world. I was a teen in the 90's and I thought the vibe of this movie was right on. I felt like I knew my own real life versions of all these characters in high school. I loved the juxtaposition of Fuckshit with Ray, like these two guys are who he looks up to and they're so different, one destructive (but good hearted) and the other responsible and supportive. I was so relieved to see Ray connecting with Stevie-like finally this kid is going to catch a break a get some support-but then Stevie starts acting just like Fuckshit. Which is just too accurate. That's legit how traumatized kids react. I thought the ending was touching, not just with all his friends being there for him but the bit with his brother too. And his mom. It was satisfying to have her see at least a little goodness in Stevie's friends. I'll definitely watch this one again.
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Sweet Xmas movie
14 July 2020
Yeah, there are some technical issues with the story (Yugoslavia in '99?), but it's still a good movie. Nicely crafted plot with a heartwarming character arc.
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