3 Reviews
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28 May 2020
It's a little hard to follow, jumping from one parallel universe to the next. Nonetheless, I have to keep watching because Lee Min Ho is compelling as usual, and the other characters add to the suspense without missing a beat. I also have to keep watching just to make sure I have figured out all of the elements / characters correctly. It's a very cool concept, as I like science fiction, but it is not the typical K-drama to which we may have become accustomed during the 'stay-at-order'. But that kind of makes it more fun!
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Enjoyable and ultimately engrossing
16 May 2020
This K-drama starts off a bit slowly, however, the episodes definitely get better and better. There are also a couple of slow episodes later, so I feel like this K-drama perhaps did not need 20 episodes. Nonetheless, the final few episodes are worth the wait. Hyun Bin, charismatic as ever, seems to carry most of the episodes, but the supporting cast have their respective moments. I've since learned these K-dramas have some recurring themes, e.g., prior meetings of the two leads earlier in their lives (destiny), relationships beginning with a bit of hostility ultimately resolved, and conflict with a parent or the parent of a romantic partner. With an interesting plot reflecting the personal and professional troubles of a man with a dual personality, we eventually learn all the details of the trauma that caused his dual personality and how he resolves his issues, finally creating a life on his own terms. One detraction / disappointment: the drama never resolves / spends enough time on Jang Ha Na's production of the Wonder Circus in Wonderland. Still, it was time well spent during 'safer at home'.
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Detective Anna (2016–2017)
15 April 2020
I loved, loved, loved this show! Granted, it took a while to get through all 56 episodes, but it was well worth it. There are some flaws in production, e.g., I noticed a couple of clips from scenes were reused in a few episodes, but I am sure that had to do with budget, rather than any lack of creativity. I, personally, did not find the age difference between Anna and Yakov hard to embrace for purposes of their budding romantic relationship. It makes sense for the period in which the series takes place. All the other areas in this production were superlative, from the sets/scenes, to the costumes, to the writing, and to the acting. I, too, searched the Internet for information about season two or three (?), and found a wonderful update on Dimitriy Frid's Facebook page. He indicated they had started filming again in early March, but discontinued a couple of weeks later, presumably due to the coronavirus. I hope they begin filming again as soon as the Russian "safer at home" orders are lifted. In any event, I rewatched all 56 episodes, fast forwarding through much of it. The ending was truly a gritty, suspenseful cliffhanger, and I am eagerly awaiting additional episodes for resolution of all the intrigue, subplots, and relationships. Specifically, what's up with Jean Lasalle and his last words / scene with Anna? What's up with Anton, and his last words spoken out of earshot of Anna? What's up with Dr. Miilts, and his relationships with Alice / others. What's up with the Prince and his duel / last scene with Anna? Most importantly, what's up with the 'matchless' Yakov Shtolman?
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