
2 Reviews
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Fun and entertaining
14 April 2020
I was recommended "Demon Slayer" by two friends that told me this was the best anime they have watched in years, so this and reading reviews saying no other anime come close to this, calling it a masterpiece and the huge hype "Demon Slayer" made my expectations go very very high. I must say that even though I quite liked it and found it entertaining I think those statements are exaggerated. The story is good but is not that original, it reminded me a little bit of "Bleach" and some vampire animes I've watched. The characters are charismatic overall but not very complex. There's one I couldn't stand at all though, he was extremely annoying everytime he popped up but my appreciation for the two main characters made things better so I'm going to let that go. I gave this 9/10 stars because what I always look for in anime is entertainment and lack of fillers and this one succeeded with that (at least in the first season) but in my humble opinion this is not the best anime there is.
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Stars Align (2019)
It's good
13 April 2020
I enjoyed it, it's not the best anime out there but it's entertaining. I liked the friendships, the representation and the message that tries to convey: everyone struggles with something. Recommend.
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