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Quantum Leap: Mirror Image - August 8, 1953 (1993)
Season 5, Episode 22
Sam realises there is something he must do
30 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As the final show of the series I thought the idea of Sam leaping into Al's Place at the moment of his birth was brilliant. His confusion about the people he meets there and how they look like people he had meet on his travels but with names like Gooshie, Ziggy and even Al is very convincing - even I was confused especially when he saw their reflections they were totally different. So when the real Al showed up and told Sam they lost him temporarily he was convinced he was there to do something very special.

--------------------------- Sam's conversation with Al the bartender also convinces him that this Al was more than he seemed, even he (Al the bartender) tried to say differently. Sam finally realises that he had to put right the one thing he never did earlier - HE HAD TO HELP HIS FRIEND. the rules he had made about not changing their own history had to be broken - so he leaps back to the moment when Beth was dancing by herself and told her the truth that her husband was alive and would return to her one day.

---------------------------- the write up at the end about how Al and Beth remained married for forty years was only half of a bitter sweet ending as it also mentioned Sam never got home leaving things open for a follow-up, which I have said before would be great with the original cast members
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Quantum Leap: Glitter Rock - April 12, 1974 (1991)
Season 3, Episode 17
Sam can really sing
22 July 2006
This episode was always one of my favourites as it showed that Sam/Scott is a very good singer and the face make-up was great, in fact I found Tonic/Sam/Scott more attractive with it on it gave a air of mystery about the character. I also found I was singing Rock the Redhead more than once several days after seeing the show.


having seen the entire five seasons at least twice - admitted several years apart I find the idea of a time traveller 'putting right what once went wrong' very appealing. I hope we can one day have an updated version of the adventures of Sam Beckett (not forgetting Al of course) but with the same actors - after all it was mentioned once or twice in various episodes that both Al and Sam aged several years as the project continued, so why not seeing Sam and Al as they are after ten or so years of Sam's leaping in time.
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