
25 Reviews
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amore, amore, amore
1 October 2022
'Cinema Paradiso' is a lettera d'amore to the cinema and filmmaking, to the movie theatre as a sanctuary rather than a place with the sole purpose of entertainment, to Italy, to life.

It brings us back to times, which I, as a Gen Z, have never had the pleasure to actually know. Better but forever gone.

"The cinema has become a memory"

It's a story about love. But not just some representation, the movie has a life on its own. It breathes, it excites, it's everything one could expect and want. And with arguably the most profound movie ending of all time. A must-watch for everyone!

Grazie! Ti amo!

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worst movie ever made
30 April 2022
Biggest regret of my life

After the opening scene I thought that it couldn't get worse but somehow it did, and it kept going... I'm actually amazed they managed to create something that awful ?!
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The Lost City (2022)
we love you, Sandy
23 April 2022
Idc what y'all think, I just laughed so much.

It was awkwardly funny, stupid but also really sweet at the same time. The cast is perfect. Sandra Bullock is at her finest doing such physical comedy. Not to mention how she looks, I mean, she's 57, peoplee :o I'm just hoping that this break she's planning to take from acting won't last long.

Still not sure who does a better hair flip though- Channing or Brad?!

Anyway, loved it.
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ballsy move, Disney
23 April 2022
Paris and Notre Dame have never looked and sounded better! And Disney's never been confronted with so much social, political issues.

🎵What makes a monster and what makes a man🎵

The Minister of Justice Claude Frollo is probably the best and most complex Disney's characters of all time. I mean, religious hypocrite trying to save his non-existent virtue. HELLFIRE!!!
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Marry Me (2022)
we love rom-coms and JLo
30 March 2022
The only thing better than a movie with deep meaning and message is a rom-com!

Bravo to the business mastermind JLo; promoting an album with a movie - genius.
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Belfast (2021)
29 March 2022
Not the first movie to show us an ugly story through the beautiful eyes of a child. But "Belfast" just does it so well! It made me smile so much (cry a bit too).

Aesthetically shot scenes, lovely atmosphere, which is an essential part of the whole plot, genuine characters. Thank you, Kenneth Branagh!

And of course, we have Jamie Dornan singing and dancing, what more could one ask for?!

P.s. Protect that kid Jude Hill at all costs!
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28 March 2022
Level of absurdity only appropriate for a movie about crazy religious hypocrites.

It's just ridiculous, in both good and bad way.

Jessica Chastain is definitely walking on the edge of parody, and although you doubt it at times, she managed not to fall, at least not very deep. She doesn't just play, she embodies (you deserve that Oscar, girl)! And Garfield's role as Jim Bakker just suits him so well. With every next project he proclaims his title as the new golden boy of Hollywood (alongside Timothée Chalamet).

Well, good movie, only the next time don't make Jessica ugly, thx :)
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CODA (2021)
28 March 2022
*👐🏼😭👐🏼* so exceptionally unexceptional, exactly how it's supposed to be

p.s. Not the best picture of the year for me and for sure not an Oscar material...but It doesn't really matter now, does it?!
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best ending ever
20 March 2022
Guillermo del Toro is a brave man! Fearlessly creative and truthful to his art and audience.

Not many dare to not give us hope.

>We are all born to be geeks!<

Too radical maybe, but there's something so refreshing in a hopeless ending. And what an ending! One of the best ones to ever exist! Only for his final performance Bradley Cooper deserved at least a nomination for best actor!!!

Not to mention Doctor Lilith. Who better to play the she-devil than Cate Blanchett?!

The production design is phenomenal!

Del Toro has such an incredible eye for detail. Every little thing contributes so much to the story.

Amazing work!
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new perspective
19 March 2022
Almodóvar just took generational trauma on a whole new level. Refracting the personal drama through the prism of history. Brilliant!

The plot doesn't particularly stand out but the mere existence of Penélope Cruz is enough to make every movie great. A muse, not for only for Almodóvar but for all women wearing "we should all be feminists" t-shirts!
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5 March 2022
"Great not in space and time, but in capacity, in depth and power of apprehension."

Remarkable cinematography. A bit too pretentious, but still fantastic.

Highly sophisticated NatGeo documentary :) Outstanding performance by Jessica Chastain!
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Soul (2020)
Soul has a soul
5 March 2022
Brilliant, engaging, SOULFUL It's a good thing we have Disney to be the moral compass our society so much needs. Unfortunately, grown-ups don't like "kids' movies"
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there's so much about this movie
5 March 2022
Sexuality, family, stereotypes, prostitution, violence, smoking, God, nature, love

There's so much about this movie. All still relevant till this day, unfortunately.

Nature, as a symbol of God, is where the two characters find peace and understanding while being literally oppressed by society. An obvious battle between religion and it's interpretation.

Who is the bad guy in this story?!

What is sin and who defines it?

Anne Hathaway's phone call is just brilliant. The voice of the killer and the victim! The product of centuries of hate and manipulation! Perfect summary of the whole movie.

But there is hope after all, a promise for a better future made by the exceptional Heath Ledger.
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Squid Game (2021–2025)
brutally genius
5 March 2022
And all of this about some paper??? (and I'm not talking about the deforestation...or am I?)

I mean..there's nothing human left in humanity, isn't it? We all know the answer but it's still deeply disturbing and saddening.

Well, they tried to give us hope and even though there's no reason to, I'm not ready to give up on that...yet.

The fact that I cried for that old guy; what more can I say?!


I remembered smth from "Crash" which fits perfectly here

"It's the sense of touch. (...) We're always behind this metal and glass. I think we miss that touch so much that we crash into each other just so we can feel something."

And there's that about social classes, hierarchy, capitalism, religion, nature vs. Nurture, immigration, suicide, love, blah-blah

The show is brilliant!
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Guava Island (2019)
Shoutout to the blue people in the red world
5 March 2022
Be one of the blue people!

"America is a concept. Anywhere where, in order to get richt, you have to make someone else richer, is America." An hour long life story; I'm not sure how did so much happen, but it did and I really loved it!
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outstanding performance
5 March 2022
I started having some serious trust issues after this genius acting performance.

The non-verbal communication between these two is just from outer space.

The simple truth is - everything is better when there's a redhead involved, especially if it's Jessica Chastain.
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5 March 2022
Revolutionary work!

"disturbing in a good way" as Ed Harris said;

Someone finally revealed the truth about motherhood. The dark, harsh and unpleasant truth that everyone is too scared to admit.

As opposed to what society accepts, motherhood is marked by ambivalence. Nina and Leda perfectly represent that notion. Well, it couldn't be any other way, because Olivia Colman and Dakota Johnson are a match made in heaven. *the eyes* Incredible debut for Maggie Gyllenhaal. So much depth, symbolism and pure beauty. Well done!😍

p.s. Idk what they did to upset these children so much, but it worked.
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Eternals (2021)
5 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Robb died and Jon is about to go fight the bad guys with a sword, It's like GOT all over again, only now Cersei doesn't drink that much wine.

Anyway, I don't think I'll ever survive Gilgamesh's death.
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Encanto (2021)
5 March 2022
Nothing we haven't seen before. The whole thing felt too rushed. But it's Disney and I'm crying, and that kid Antonio is too adorable, and we do talk about Bruno and Lin-Manuel Miranda's work in 2021.
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Frodo failed
5 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Uhm, sorry to tell you but Frodo actually failed... anyway, there are more important things to discuss, such as: Pippin's song - an absolute cinematic masterpiece; Eowyn - underrated, but perfectly written female character, without the toxic masculinity that is often associated with women warriors; Gimli and Legolas' friendship; Sam and the definition of unconditional love we find in his words: "Don't go where I can't follow!"; Frodo and his PTSD, which led to that epic goodbye smile and the bittersweet feeling the audience is left with at the end;

Well deserved 11 Oscars!
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best of the trilogy
5 March 2022
The rebirth of Don Quixote & Sancho Panza aka Master Frodo and Samwise the Brave and the Ent invasion; Great movie about the industrial revolution and the best of the trilogy, especially because of Gollum's struggles with his obvious bipolar disorder, perfectly portrayed by Andy Serkis.

P.s. Legolas >>>>>
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Gandalf's 'death' changed everything
5 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Gandalf's death (temporary) is a monumental event in the modern sci-fi/fantasy cinema (+literature). Since then the whole concept of death has changed, leading us years later to the Red Wedding and the infamous Blip, followed by the revolutionary idea of the multiverse. In fact, I blame Jesus for all of that, but Tolkien is just as guilty. "Dead characters don't always have to stay dead." But apparently, it is better if they die at some point. That moves the story forward, it excites the audience, at least until the resurrection comes *fireworks*. Hope! Fickle, tricky thing. Maybe false but still hope.

And then there is the question: Can hope be false?

If you've just watched a 3 hour movie about hobbits with magic rings and you liked it, then you have your answer :)

p.s. My dear hobbit mellons, how did you manage to do all this barefoot??
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Life of Pi (2012)
5 March 2022
Life of Pi is the epitome of a great movie!

Perfect symbiosis between the idea and its execution.

Compelling story about... pretty much everything, awesome visual effects, depth, symbolism, lots of water and love.

You name it and it has it! What more could one want from a movie?!
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5 March 2022
That was so weird and intimidating and I loved it!

I mean, cowboy Benedict Cumberbatch is good enough, but creepy gay cowboy uncle Benedict Cumberbatch, who's playing with a scarf in the woods, is the best there is.

It is obvious that Brokeback Mountain ain't that far from Montana (or New Zealand for that matter) Great cast!

Shout-out to the writers!
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Euphoria (2019– )
5 March 2022
Zendaya's performance on Euphoria makes her without any doubt one of the most talented or maybe even the most talented actor of the new generation. Just brilliant!
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