
14 Reviews
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Gravity Falls: Not What He Seems (2015)
Season 2, Episode 11
My favorite episode of Gravity Falls
5 August 2021
This one is definitely my favorite. We get so much action and mystery in this episode, as well as the biggest reveal in Gravity Falls to this point. The visuals were also amazing. This is one you can't skip.
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The Amazing World of Gumball: The Girlfriend (2016)
Season 4, Episode 22
Worst Gumball episode ever
11 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is horrible! I was cringing within the first 10 seconds! Which is already a pretty awful sign. So we start with Jamie assaulting everyone. And she realizes she needs a sweetheart, (really?) and she chooses Darwin. She's obviously a very abusive and short-tempered girlfriend. Which is pretty ugly to watch. Then we get to the lunch scene, and when Gumball asks why he isn't saying anything about her obvious abuse, he says this: "The problem is is that she doesn't understand love, so the best thing to do is to wait quietly until she figures it out for herself." Wait, what? That is bad advice! It can get you hurt if you stay in a violent relationship! We get into another scene with Jamie being angry at Sara for just saying hi. Then we have an annoying scene with Richard that lasts 20 seconds of him making random noise, and then Jamie stuffs a lacrosse stick in his head. Gumball is begging for Darwin to say something, but refuses to in honor of his horrible advice. Then we see Jamie not wanting him to be with Gumball as she considers Gumball to be Darwin's boyfriend. So Jamie chooses to make Gumball her boyfriend to. Oh god, please no! And Jamie doesn't even ask for consent, she just says, "you're now my boyfriend" against Gumball's will. This causes a horrifying chase scene with Jamie creepily following Gumball everywhere he goes. And after the chase scene ends, Darwin says to Jamie, "love is not something you take but something you earn." But Jamie was offended cause she thought she looked stupid for him saying that, and punches Darwin out cold! Then we see him injured with Gumball saying that Darwin should've kept his mouth shut. Really? A lot of people debate that the message isn't bad as it shown the results of what happened. But regardless of if you think this episode's message is "good", it's still a cringeworthy episode! (I did like the coconut joke tho). But please think twice before watching this. I was cringing all the way through!
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Total Drama: The Final Wreck-ening (2013)
Season 5, Episode 13
Oh god...
9 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. Just, wow. What the heck is this. This is easily one of the worst. Probably the 2nd worst in fact. The first thing I hate about this episode is the balloon scene with everyone flying away. (P. S. They confirmed that all of the contestants were ok) But we never see any of the contestants again for the rest of the series. Heather and Alejandro are now dating, which is fine I guess? Seriously though, I hated the ending too, where the entire island sinks. What?!?!? They're just going to ditch the island where it all happened? I really didn't like this one. Worst finale of the show.
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Total Drama: Sundae Muddy Sundae (2013)
Season 5, Episode 11
Easily one of if not the worst episode.
9 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely hate this one. If you like Courtney, you seriously may want to skip this one. Cause this was a disaster. You know how much character development Courtney has gotten this season? A lot to say the least. Made up with Gwen and got Scott as a new boyfriend (I'm still a Duncney fan though.) But this episode decided to throw that all into the trash can. Courtney makes a very sudden 180° turn and it's only in this episode where we discover she actually is planning to betray Gwen. Mal ends up stealing her plan chart and exposes it. We don't even know how he got hold of it. So it becomes this very ugly tension with everyone and Courtney. By the way the challenge involves ice cream, and Courtney adds some disgusting ingredients to hers. And Chris even starves his interns just so he can do this challenge. And at the end, he continues to let his interns starve to death for a sudden twist where everyone has to eat there own ice cream for no reason. And since Courtney's is disgusting, she loses. And she ends up getting eliminated. This episode makes me extremely angry. This could easily be the worst episode.
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Gravity Falls: Boyz Crazy (2012)
Season 1, Episode 17
Not Gravity Falls' best moments
9 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's Gravity Falls, so I didn't find this episode terrible, but I still didn't like this one as much. The main plot was very average. Like Mabel not letting the boy band free was kind of weird, and she acts kind of rude to her friends. But the side plot wasn't great either cause even though Dipper exposed Robbie, Wendy still was mad at him. I understand why she's mad, but he exposed him for you. I don't think you should be that mad. It's not the best of Gravity Falls.
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Gravity Falls: Roadside Attraction (2015)
Season 2, Episode 16
Very below average
9 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was not a very good one. Of course the timing of this episode wasn't great. However, it's hard to blame them for that since Alex Hirsch said that he wanted this episode to be earlier. But I still wasn't crazy about the plot. Dipper and Candy? I don't think that's a great ship. It really felt like a forced FanFiction. Especially with Mabel setting them up without Dipper knowing. Stan going around getting revenge wasn't that good, but it wasn't bad. But it was very awkward seeing Dipper trying to flirt with multiple girls and Grunkle Stan just giving him bad advice. The spider lady trying to hook up with Stan was also very awkward. There were a few good moments like the hot tub and the bonfire. But overall, it's definitely not Gravity Falls usual good quality.
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This was a disaster!
9 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, this is a review for Candace Gets Busted, since I haven't seen Make Play yet. But this episode was an absolute mess! This is the worst episode I have seen so far. They made this episode very mean to Candace. She wants a few friends over, she gets some, and it turns into a party. Side note, most of these people weren't invited to this party! They just heard the news about the party and walked in. And they call it a Phineas and Ferb party, but the boys don't even try to help her by getting them to leave. And they keep saying it's a party despite Candace saying it's an "intimate get together" Also, the side plot was kind of boring. I mean, we get 15 second filler with Doofenswertz saying to Perry that they should "savor this moment" with literally nothing happening. In case the title didn't already spoil it for you, Candace does end up getting busted. By the way, Doofenswertz's inator ends up moving the party into Doof's pants. I'm not joking, everyone is seen dancing in his pants. (Ew) That is until the party moved back to the backyard, causing Candace to get in trouble. Seeing Candace get busted was pretty horrible. Most likely the worst episode of Phineas and Ferb.
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Bob's Burgers: Sacred Couch (2016)
Season 6, Episode 9
Not horrible, but not good
29 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was nowhere near normal Bob's Burgers quality. The couch was obviously disgusting, and keeping it was pretty gross. I admit, I have hoarding problems to. But it was still not great compared to what Bob's Burgers normally is. While Family Fracas is still worse, this definitely isn't a good episode, and it's understandable on why it's not very liked.
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Bob's Burgers: The Hauntening (2015)
Season 6, Episode 3
29 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love this episode. I did kind of guess the ending with Bob and Linda setting it up, but it's hard to hold that against them. It had a great atmosphere here. Definitely one of if not my favorite episode.
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Bob's Burgers: Sleeping with the Frenemy (2018)
Season 8, Episode 10
29 June 2021
It's ok. I mean, Tammy being a brat is bad. But I sort of like the ending. Overall it's ok, but not great.
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The Amazing World of Gumball: The Laziest (2011)
Season 1, Episode 11
Definitely one of the worst Gumball episodes
29 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
While "The Girlfriend" is technically worse, this episode I remember hating when I was a kid and I personally find it more unwatchable. Most of the characters here are very unlikeable. So Richard and the boys have a bet, to find someone lazier than Richard. Apparently it used to be Larry. But of course he's not anymore. And Gumball and Darwin keep pushing him to become lazy again. It was definitely made both Gumball and Darwin unlikeable here. They succeed on making Larry lose everything, and they win. But then Richard decides to act in front of Nicole making it seem like he's the good guy. Despite the fact he's just as lazy, probably even more. Nicole buys it and punishes Gumball and Darwin by making them do all the chores. It was a very awful change in character for Richard with him getting away with it. This is definitely the 2nd worst episode of the show.
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Bob's Burgers: Family Fracas (2013)
Season 3, Episode 19
No wonder this episode is hated
28 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love Bob's Burgers but this episode was pretty awful. I admit, the first half of the episode was okay. But it gets so much worse. The game show "Family Fracas" that the Belchers are on, is on Channel 13, which is where Chuck works. And he's understandably angry about the events in Beefsquatch. But it still doesn't excuse what he does later. The Pestos ended up joining the game, and it's later revealed that he cheated, and that Chuck helped with it. Bu the way, before this happened, we get a very awkward kissing scene with Chuck and his boss. Then we get to the court scene, and it's probably the worst part in the whole episode. When Bob nearly wins the case with evidence, Chuck and his boss destroy the tape. And Pam was basically forced to call Chuck innocent. Making the Belchers unfairly losing. And the end with Bob helping with the van, and him getting insulted was horrible. Personally, this is one of if not my least favorite episode.
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South Park: Dead Kids (2018)
Season 22, Episode 1
Worst episode I have seen so far
27 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Oh dear god, how is this episode so well liked? This is absolute garbage! I admit I haven't seen the full episode, but I read the script for it as well as watched some of the clips. And I don't want to see anymore! It felt kind of ugly with everyone not caring about school shootings. Yes, I get that they're trying to say that they happen so much that it's hard to feel anything, but it doesn't leave a good taste in my mouth with how everyone acts. And they're basically saying that it happens at the same school everyday. Why would you continue to operate a school if it's happening as much as it is? Not even to mention my respect for Sharon has just skyrocketed. She clearly loves and cares about her kids so much. And I have basically lost all my respect for Randy. People say that Randy is one of the best things about the episode. Well he made the episode worse for me. He doesn't come across as likable, he comes across as an unsympathetic jerk to his wife! The whole period thing wasn't good either and it was awful with Randy saying she's "overreacting". Do you want to know what this reminds me of? It feels like the "So funny I forgot to laugh" from Arthur where one character is falsely accusing the other of overreacting. Not to mention I love/hate the therapy scene. I hate it as it's shown for Randy to be unlikable, but I also love it for seeing Sharon have these thoughts, as she's concerned she won't always be able to protect her kids. Another reason I like the scene is we get to see Sharon tell Randy off for there being something wrong with him and that she says that he should be showing compassion, which he really should, since Randy isn't being at all helpful to her. I hated the scene with Randy talking to Gerald and Stephen, and that Randy says that he's upset that he has to deal with Sharon being concerned. Hey here's an idea Randy, how about instead of worrying about your wife being concerned over these incidents, you start worrying about these events. He doesn't even act like he's trying to support Sharon. And right after this, Randy even says Sharon is acting like a b word. This is so screwed up. And at toward the end, they say Sharon is "unappreciative to Randy". Seriously? Her being upset at Randy like this is unappreciative? Sharon finally says that she wants everyone to be upset at this sort of stuff, which is understandable, and as a result, everyone just says she's being negative. By the way this ending is one of the worst parts. Sharon admits she was overreacting and apologizes. You do not need to apologize Sharon. You are completely in the right here! And then she gets a phone call saying that Stan has been shot. And because of all that had happened to her, she doesn't care! What? If they kept Sharon like she was from the beginning, then she would care enough to be there for her son. And it definitely doesn't help that Stan is my favorite character in the show. This ending made me rage quit! I legit threw my phone across the room! I'm sorry but I really don't like this episode. If you're like me, I definitely don't recommend this one.
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Highly Recommended
8 September 2019
This movie is awesome. Besides jacks films I know nobody including my friends who think this movie is good. Why? People just say the movie is bad without saying anything about the movie that is bad. The movie is funny and James Corden does a great job at voicing ✋🏻. I love this movie and highly recommend it 😀🤣😘😉🤓
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