
2 Reviews
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Documentary 101
17 November 2001
Altough it has been years since I have seen Burden of Dreams, this movie has always remained etched in my memory as one of the greatest documentaries about the making of a film ( Fitzcarraldo). Although it is moving at a snail's pace, just like Fitz. it never ends to fascinate. It is almost as if the director wants the progression of time to happen in real time. The film depicts the insanity of Herzog's obsessive film making with passion and understanding. An absolute must see. As is Fitzcarraldo. On as scale of 1-10, this one ranks 11 (see "This is Spinal Tap")
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Catch-22 (1970)
Great adaptation of novel
21 February 2001
One of the best movies adapted from a novel. The director has managed to create a movie that captures the feel and intent of the novel accurately. At the same time, the film has it's own identity. It is not a mere dramatization of the novel. Both book and film are absolute masterpieces and both are two of the most scathing condemnations of war.

The film shows the insanity of war as a solution to conflict in a very funny and almost surreal way.
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