
7 Reviews
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Wow what a disappointment!
12 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Saw this film after all the hype and was one of the few films I thought not worth carrying on watching. Nice scenery. Acting ok. No plot to speak of and wish washy ending. Meant to be a comedy drama and ended up being neither. No reasons for the friends break up and the over the top reaction of cutting fingers off. The main suspense was this has got to get better but it never did. Some resemblance to the far superior, but then underrated Ryan's Daughter, but this is a mess of a film from the start. Nice to see Mike's daughter in law from Better Call Saul! Colin Farrell did ok , but it seemed like a lot of wasted energy and a missed opportunity.
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Good special effects but that's about all
23 May 2022
Slow paced and too long. Rather self indulgent at times, liking itself a lot, without very much happening. Some ridiculous dialogue in places. I know some love it but sorry not for me.
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Likes itself a bit too much
2 February 2022
Hmm. Not for me this one. Described as an action comedy, but didn't much funny in it. Overlong. Rather unpleasant at times and clumsy. Characters unconvincing.
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What a mess!
5 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So slow burning that it went out as did my interest very quickly. Unlikeable selfish main character both as herself and younger self. Supposed to examine motherhood, but just looks at a characters that shouldn't have had children. Dakota Johnson wanders around as if she's lost in the village. A waste of time and talent.
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Wow - what a great film
18 March 2021
Beautifully shot, well written film about love relationships and life. Will likely appeal more to those with some life experiences. Thought provoking and meaningful.
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After Life (2019–2022)
Brilliantly perceptive
10 October 2020
Watched it on recommendation from son. Wasn't a fan of Ricky Gervais at all before. Wonderful writing. Funny and sad with other emotions in between. All characters well cast and believable. If it doesn't touch you then you're not human.
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Gold Digger (2019)
Oh dear - ignore the good reviews!
28 December 2019
Unbelievable from the start with wooden acting and poor script with laugh out loud moments for the wrong reasons.
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