
2 Reviews
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It's just a shame the voting system doesn't go lower than 1
21 June 2001
Probably the worst film i have ever seen. On the other hand, it was quite funny because of it. I thought it was amazing that they could make all those bricks look so much like polystyrene. It's a shame because i really enjoyed the first Mortal Kombat film. Line that sums up the film, plot-wise at least. - Sub-Zero? But i killed you in first tournament - No, that was my brother, Sub-Zero. I am Sub-Zero! (Something like that anyway)
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To the point
6 January 2001
What this film lacks in plot, cunning script and subtlety, it more than makes up for in stunning Kung Fu action and amazing acrobatics from every member of the cast (however young). It's 'Romeo & Juliet'-esque storyline is cliched and quite predictable but the the film is worth a watch simply in order to wonder 'How did Jet Li do that?'.
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