
4 Reviews
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Unbranded (2015)
22 February 2017
Ordered the DVD from our local library on suggestion of a friend who knew I loved horses especially the Wild Mustangs and advocate for them being Wild and Free. Having been around horses all my life from a kid riding my little mare to our summer Bible camp to breaking, breeding, riding competition trail rides, barrell racing, doing 4-h exhibition at rodeos in our drill team on horseback I was so interested to see this film. I was not disappointed at all. Just wishing I was younger and could have gone with them! A well done film from beginning to the end. I was so impressed at the strength and durability of those wild mustangs under saddle on some really treacherous terrain! Gorgeous country they traveled, funny stories and incidents that happened along the trail. So neat to have had that elder man assist them too in housing and trailering them when necessary. Ben really planned the ride well, course unexpected issues happened but all in all its a film that deserved all the awards received for sure! Like looking back in time of the days when horseback was mode of travel and just totally awesome how well the young fella's eventually all got along, did for one another in spite of some issues at times, took such good care of those mustangs. A film kids should see for sure. Its definitely an inspiration that when there is the will to do, it can be done! The ending is so special. I jumped for joy too when they were so elated hitting the Canadian border. I felt like I rode it with them. See the film folks, you will want to own a mustang! What an awesome breed of horse. cudos to the whole story.
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Rose Hill (1997 TV Movie)
A MUST See esp if you are into Genealogy!
26 June 2003
An excellent film, well done in format, scenery, time frequence and I did say well done for survival and justice. If anyone who is into genealogy, its certainly a must see. This story unfolds dramatically just as the stories of old did back in the 18th century. Such occurrences actually did happen. Times were very difficult back then, and there were many children abandoned to be raised by either strangers or other than family and more often than not they never even knew WHO their real parents were. This has been well documented in genealogy and further verified by the DNA genealogy projects going on right now with Surnames. Many males are NOT matching to the cuz or uncle or father they thought they were from, for the very reasons shown in this film. I viewed this film fr a genealogist researchers eye and I have to say this film is right on. If everyone or just half the folks would start researching their family history, they would be so totally amazed what they find, they would wonder in astonishment, how their ancestors ever made it so that they are here today to be thankful and grateful that they did make it! I compare this film to a film made abt my own ancestors..TRUE WOMEN. Its all true, no matter how 'corny' it might look to some.
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O Pioneers! (1992 TV Movie)
MUST see, genealogically speaking!
26 June 2003
Awesome story of how a woman takes over the ranch aft her father dies. Looking at it from a genealogical viewpoint of a genealogist's....I am so glad they made this excellent film. Stories such as this came from our ancestors for sure as such ocurrences actually did happen very often. Women were left to run many outfits when the men died or went wandering....they had the gusto, fortitude and fight to do it, thats why we are here today, because of these courageous ancestors. Nebraska is a gorgeous state and the scenery is truly depictive of it as I lived there. The culmination of the two childhood friends marrying, even though she was 4yrs his senior...happened all too often back in those days. Its a very emotional, heart beating film and well done. Jessica Lange is such a wonderful actress and did an excellent job in this film as did David Strathairn.
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A Must See!
2 May 2003
A real eye opener on what went on In Yugoslavia war, and the peril Journalists and Photographers go through to bring the war to us back home. I hope they do a film like this on DAVID BLOOM's sacrifice he make in covering the Road to Iraqui Freedom! Thank You!
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