
15 Reviews
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16 May 2024
"The Last Kumite" is a major disappointment on multiple fronts. The directing by Ross W. Clarkson lacks any creativity or coherence, leaving scenes feeling disjointed and poorly paced. The editing is equally subpar, with jarring cuts that disrupt the flow of action and narrative. Sound design is another glaring issue, featuring inconsistent audio levels and poorly integrated sound effects that detract from the immersion. The casting choices are puzzling, as many of the actors, despite their martial arts credentials, deliver wooden and uninspired performances. The acting is universally poor, with stilted dialogue and a lack of emotional depth, making it difficult to connect with any of the characters. Overall, "The Last Kumite" fails to capture the spirit of classic martial arts films, offering instead a bland and hopefully forgettable experience.
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Cellular (2004)
Ordinary and not worth watching
23 July 2005
I am sincerely surprised of the lack of quality in this movie. The plot is actually quite interesting and should make for good action. Now and then you'll actually feel quite excited about "what will happen next". However, it just isn't good enough.

Specifically I was disappointed of the way lyrics were delivered. You'd just absolutely not believe in many of them.

Kim Basinger does not live up to better performances in her past and most of the rest of the acting crew isn't much of an experience either. Macey has definitely done better and more interesting movies in the past and Statham is a shadow of himself.

Go see Jason Statham in The Transporter, The Italian Job, or Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels instead.
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Be Cool (2005)
Could have been better
23 July 2005
As usual John Travolta's cool is ...ehm... cool.

However, this movie loses a bit due to its amazingly thin plot and I particularly wanted to comment on how sad it is that you can't make a better movie when you have so much material (in terms of actors) available to you.

Travolta, Woods, Cedric the Entertainer, The Rock, etc. are all capable of more than they showed in this movie - although I did like Cedric the Entertainer quite a bit.

Very much a pity that The Rock has to be such a ridiculous character...

Don't go to the theater to see this !!!
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A Guy Thing (2003)
Predictable, predictable, predictable.
27 April 2004
Again I'm glad that I didn't spent cinema money on a movie.

'A Guy Thing' just never gets to be an average movie. For the first 2 minutes I thought about stopping watching and returning it to the store. But because I spent money on the rental I ended up watching the whole thing.

Three words come to mind during this movie: Predictable, predictable, predictable.

Yes, there are some funny characters, but they are not the main characters. The main characters are not very surprising, not very interesting, and not very convincing.

In addition the story is not exactly convincing. You just know from the beginning what's going to happen pretty much through the whole movie. At the very least you know the basics - and that's too bad.

With so many better movies out there, I'd suggest you go see something else.
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Consequence (2003)
Nice thriller with average cast.
14 March 2004
There are actions and there are consequences.

Nice thriller with average cast. A normal man with a brother with a past needs to change his life before his wife separates him and takes all his money.

It's always nice to see Armand Assante. He has a certain roughness and wildness, which combined with his smart thinking roles usually end up coming across well.

His co-actors and -actresses in this movie don't really live up to his standards - their acting here is limited to looking good, looking bad or looking crazy.

An OK flick, though, which you shouldn't go to the cinema to watch.
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It DOES have its moments, but never keeps the momentum...
27 December 2003
It DOES have its moments, but never keeps the momentum until the next scene. The story, the romance, and the characters of this movie are never even a tiny bit credible - which means that you can't sympathise with them and feel what they feel. Don't go watch this in the theater! Wait until it comes on cable and then watch it - if you must.
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Yet another Steven-over-the-top-Seagal movie. Don't waste your time.
25 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
(spoiler warning) I seem to keep giving this guy his last chance. Strange how an action hero who once was keeps attracting an audience. Anyway, this movie is about a character (Seagal) being kind of a mysterious rough-neck hero. That's it.

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Too lame!!!
10 September 2002
OK, I'll make this short.

I am sorry I ever even thought about watching this movie. This is possibly the most awful piece of crap I have ever laid my eyes upon.

The story is weak, the execution is weak, the idea is bad, the idea with the sync is bad AND badly executed. It just isn't funny. Some people should have their heads examined. If not before, then at the very least AFTER they watch this movie.
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Wild Things (1998)
Hot chicks and smart guys - maybe.
24 August 2002
This teenage thriller is slightly above medium. The conspiracies played out are really good, but the rest of the movie's "quality" are the very seducive bodies of Neve Campbell and Denise Richards.

Why do you think this movie scored better in all the male age groups of IMDB?

Anyway, the movie does manage to pull off quite a surprising ending - won't tell you what is is though - but not until you don't remember any more what happened to who and why who did it.

The thing I'm going to remember about this movie are the girls, the volume and complexity of the cons that were pulled. I'm not going to remember fantastic acting, great dialogues, or the great story. In fact, I might remember this movie more as a comedy than a thriller.

See it on video - see it for the chicks.
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No credibility!
23 August 2002
This movie about terrorism has been launched after the tragedy of the September 11th bombings. Therefore it seems only too coincidal that the lead character is a fireman who fights terrorists, who are determined to crush the USA.

The fire man, after a terrorist act that leaves him to live through a personal tragedy, goes alone to Columbia to single handedly wipe out the terrorist/drug dealers. The writers didn't even bother to equip him with some kind of "way-back-in-his-past-special-forces-training-that-makes-him-a-deadly-weapon".

The terrorists' trademark act seems to be mobile telephone controlled bombs (which would be highly unstable). The lead terrorists seem willing to blow away their children. The lead terrorists' child seems not to care too much about his parents, but more about the fire man.

This is just too far fetched. Go see something else.
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Crossroads (I) (2002)
Not as bad as expected!
19 August 2002
A little bit of honesty: With Ms. Spears in the movie I expected it to be 90 minutes of crap music video with her in the spotlight all the time.

OK, she does appear in most shots of the movie, and her story is the main story of the movie. But somewhere under all the music video stuff is an actually OK movie, and I think that most people would have given this movie bigger credit, had it not been for the casting of Spears as Lucy Wagner.

Don't watch it in the theater, but it's worth renting at your local video outlet.
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Rollerball (2002)
Very, very thin!
15 August 2002
In countries that nobody really knows, playing a game that noone fully understands, a young, too naive, daredevil, fights for honour, money, and love against Jean Reno as the incredible bad-guy.

Don't waste your time on this. I'm just glad I just borrowed the DVD from a friend.

The movie is way too thin!!!
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K-PAX (2001)
To be or not to be ... a spaceman?
17 May 2002
To be or not to be ... a spaceman!? After K-PAX you come out of the movie with a confused feeling of not quite knowing what to believe.

In K-PAX Spacey plays a maybe or maybe not alien from the planet K-PAX. He walks into the lives of people around him, leaving greater impact on their lives than other people. He shows the greatest astrophysicists the US can provide parts of the universe that they have never seen.

Yet his shrink, played in his normal style by Jeff Bridges, refuses to commit to the fact that Prot is in fact a K-Paxian.

And still in the end you're left to do your own conclusions with no particular help from any of the characters in the movie.

Solid movie to watch and good movie to think about, afterwards.

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Hardball (2001)
Moving "The Ugly Duckling" story about how don't-no-what-to-do-with-his life Keanu finds his life through making a difference.
5 October 2001
Moving "The Ugly Duckling" story about how don't-no-what-to-do-with-his life Keanu finds his life through making a difference.

The movie doesn't go all the way, though. For me, there are too many stories in the movie. It could easily be 30 minutes longer, and go in-depth with every single story. However, as it is it touches some stories superficially. That's not good enough for top votes.

Still a good and moving movie!
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A Really, terribly bad you-dont-want-to-waste-your-money-on-this action movie!
18 August 2001
Having just seen this movie I must say that I'm disappointed - again. Actually I already saw it once, but the plot is so paperthin that I completely forgot the movie. Van Damme is the here. The computer which takes control and turns itself into a supersoldier is the bad guy. A quite anonymous chick plays the strong woman character that takes over after Luc's wife died some time after Universal Soldier I. In the end it all doesn't matter. The movie is all about some fight scenes and some action. Rent it on DVD to see some nice choreography in the final fight scenes - don't see it for the story.
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