
2 Reviews
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Teenage Caveman (2002 TV Movie)
keep the remote handy
16 December 2001
IT'S A PORNO!!! I mean it's not a half bad movie except for wayyyyyyyyyyyy tooooooooooooo much sex! It does reflect reality though, religious leaders using their power to rape children, women are belittled, and, if left to their own devices, children will drink too much, have sex with strangers, get horrible diseases, and blow up. Seriously though, if you're like me, keep your thumb on the fast forward button because this is a twenty minutes movie recorded over a Ron Jeremy film.
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4 July 2001
I would die to see the play. I didn't want to see it at first because I'm not a fan of Jason Alexander but I must admit he did surprise me, who knew he could act (although he was trying a little hard to BE Nathan Lane). I cried through most or it and I'm not much of a crier so BE WARNED! IT IS A CHICK FLICK! but a damned good one.
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