
2 Reviews
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Versus (II) (2000)
Bad Bad Bad with a grain of salt
17 September 2004
Bad Highlander (one of the sequels), meets bad The Killer or Reservoir Dogs, meets bad Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon or Kill Bill but, it's meant to be campy so, if you expect bad, you may enjoy it...if you are a zombie. The story is simplistic yet mysteriously convoluted. Not to mention the holes, not only in the zombies but, in the continuity of the story and its slim attempt to help us take that leap of faith. Do I care about the characters? The story? How it even, not really. The story is lame, the script is, oh so lame, almost as lame as my use of the word lame. The acting is even lamer yet its ability to explore the campy is enthralling. Hey this is a compliment, I've seen worse. Not much but worse. So I gave it a 4 rating. Come on, zombies with guns? Watch at your own risk.
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Sword of Gideon (1986 TV Movie)
Good Solid Movie, action, emotion and timely
20 March 2004
Details accounts of the Israeli goverment seeking out and destroying the terrorists of 1972 Olympics. This movie is in the same vein as The Assignment and Clear and Present Danger. It also explores the emotional component of the assassins and their families. It got spies, action , sex, love, happiness, sadness and it is based on true accounts. What else could you ask for?! Steven Bauer's portrayal as an Israeli is very true to form and impressive. You really do feel his emotional roller coaster and his internal conflict about his role as justice maker or simple revenge. Although the movie begins with a primer of the terrorist attacks at the 1972 Olympics, I recommend seeing One Day in September, directed by Kevin MacDonald and narrated by Michael Douglas, to give yourself a better understanding of the motivation behind this docu-drama. This is a very timely movie considering the upcoming Olympics and the war on terror.
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