
7 Reviews
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Pittsburgh? Seriously?
18 May 2020
I have cousins in Pittsburgh. I have a friend from Delaware who now speaks Pittsburghese. Not ONE character sounds like they are from anywhere near Pittsburgh. Great film though. Too bad the producers thought that everyone should sound like they are from California. Maybe they should have hired better actors. I bet Emma Watson could have done a Pittsburgh accent, because no American actor can. The best South Philly accent ever came from Australian Toni Collette in SIXTH SENSE.
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Tomorrowland (2015)
Under-rated film
18 August 2019
Yeah, it's essentially a commercial for DisneyWorld. I've never been there. I can't see myself getting there. I am disturbed by the bad reviews for this film. For the third time watching it on tv I have been captivated by it. Admittedly it starts out really slow. Once the daughter of the fabulous Tim McGraw meets the robot Athena, who is an awesome actor. I could not stop watching.
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The Letter (1940)
Has this ever been made into an opera?
6 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I'm giving this a spoiler alert because I think this would make a great libretto if Terence McNally got hold of it for, say, Jake Heggie. I can see Patricia Racette or Phyllis Pancella in the Bette Davis role depending on whether they want a soprano or a mezzo.

It would have to be tightened -- a lot! But from an operatic standpoint, now that composers are writing operas for their audiences, instead of for their undergrad theory teachers, it gives an opportunity for some great solos and ensembles.

The reason I cite Racette, is that she is currently singing Butterfly as a hero instead of a pathetic victim, and I see **SPOILER ALERT!!!** Leslie preferring death rather than life on a Sumatran rubber plantation with Robert and no social life.

The reason I cite Pancella, is that she sang Lizzie Borden at Glimmerglass Opera and had the audience on her side as she climbed the stairs to murder her father and step-mother. No high notes or big climax at the end, just the audience siding with the character who follows her passion, retribution be damned. A sort of repressed British Carmen.

Is that an oxymoron?
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Tall Tale (1995)
How come this isn't better known?
24 September 2008
I'd put this in the same category as THE SEVEN FACES OF DR. LAO, a true family movie: there's something anyone can relate to, but with some hokey flaws that ultimately don't matter.

There are so many great parts to it, that it's a shame that some of the editing and a few character blunders are handled so badly.

The John Henry competition is pretty much thrown away, just because of some bad editing.

The bad guy is an out-of-place cartoon, supposedly in the "real world" but seems like a fugitive from THE WILD, WILD WEST. He is pitted against the well-drawn characters of Paul Bunyan, Pecos Bill, John Henry and Calamity Jane, all of whom start out as cartoons, then are cleverly nuanced. I could have used more Catherine O'Hara.

Speaking of which, William H. Macy is pretty much wasted too.

I won't spoil the ending, but I think they knew that they DID have a great ending that could survive lots of mis-steps. So don't tune out before the end.
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Liebestraum (1991)
A film not recommended for the impatient.
26 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I live in the small city where this was filmed, Binghamton, NY. I know 3 people who were in it. When it came out I was excited to see it, to see Lori, Alberto and Bernie in it.

The joke among us was that it was a film about men who don't wash their hands. I thought it was vile, but when the director's cut came out, I bought it, just for the local interest.

Big difference! Aside from the disquieting moments to those who are familiar with location shots (I have similar problems with THE MOLLY MAGUIRES and WITNESS -- both filmed in areas I am familiar with) it rewards those with patience.

But Kim Novak has the grossest line ever assigned to a screen legend!!! LOL
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This film sits in my memory....
26 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers one of those films you go to see, knowing nothing about it, except that you like the stars: i.e., Jeff Goldblum and Michelle Pfeiffer.

I was also wanting to get together with a friend I hadn't seen in a while.

Does the fault lie in my expectations or in the impression that the ads led me to believe the film would be about.

If it is a spoiler to expect to see a madcap comedy with two actors who are really good at madcap comedy, and get a very bleak, Brechtian story, then I am guilty.
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Forget the facts and enjoy the show.
7 August 1999
Biography films are an odd genre; composer films are in a class by themselves. Facts are brushed aside blithely in this film. Korsakov was in the navy and wrote some music while aboard ship. That is the total agreement with history of this film. Add to this the vision of poor Yvonne De Carlo's out-takes of nearly falling over while dancing and you have one of the lamest composer movies ever. So why is this movie so much fun? I think it's the Viennese operetta feel of the piece: logic should never intrude on fun. And Eve Arden's dry delivery doesn't hurt either.
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