
24 Reviews
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Shrooms (2007)
One of the worst films I've seen
27 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I try not to be too negative when I comment on films so I shall start with the good points.

This film did some things well, particularly the jump shocks and setting up the atmosphere with the Black Brothers and the Lonely Twin, but the dialogue was pretty rank and unbelievable (no teenager in the history of the world has ever talked like that) and the ending twist was pulled out of a hat, in an illogical way, that the film had at no point built up to.

The acting was variable, with the background characters done well, which was to be expected, given who was playing them, and the teenage characters varying from well done (Jake) to not so good (Lisa).

The directing was, again, variable, as I said previously, the jump shocks were very well done, but the director seemed a little too fond of the shaky cam effect at other points. While I understand the reasoning to this, with the exception of the drowning scene, I don't think it added much to the film.
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G-Force (2009)
Not as good as it could have been
27 August 2009
I saw the 3D version of the film, which didn't really add much to the overall spectacle, mostly because, I think, in trying to make it available in both 2D and 3D, they've not used 3D to its fullest extent.

Other than that, the film was just there. It had entertaining moments, the car chase especially, but that was about it. Plus, every time there was a "moral moment", the whole thing slowed down so badly. I don't know if it's just me misremembering things but the kiddie films of my childhood either didn't have moral moments or managed to camouflage them into the story better.

The voice acting was good, even if I know that Sam Rockwell can do way better than that. Trying to figure who the hamster was drove me crazy, and I shall now hang my head in shame for not catching that it was Steve Buscemi. Nicholas Cage does a bang up job as Speckles, and now that I know it's him, I can see how they've animated the character to fit his acting ticks.
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Watchmen (2009)
Could Have Been So Much Better
20 April 2009
I liked this film, despite the negative tone that this review will take, but it could have been so much better. I put most of the blame on the director, who seems to be passionately in love with the slow-motion button on his camera. The film could have been at least half an hour shorter with the pointless slow-motion scenes taken out. The pacing was one of the problems, the other is that the opening 15 minutes or so (basically 'The Times They Are A Changing and the first fight) are so very good that the rest of the film has to live up to them, which it sadly only does sporadically.

The acting was uniformly good, and on several peoples's parts, excellent, as was the set design. My problems with the stunt choreography would probably have been solved if they hadn't had to fit to the director's whims.

The make-up was variable, with the make up on the original Silk Spectre being distractingly bad, which was a shame as Carla Gugino was brilliant as Sally Jupiter.

As an adaptation it had its bonuses and its flaws, but I think that the change made to the ending was definitely a good idea. There was however something lacking, but I have no idea what the something was, hence the possibly mildly unreasonably low rating. A re-watch may move this up to 4 stars but there were too many flaws for it to be anything better than okay.
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Sacrifice (2000 TV Movie)
Better Than Expected
29 October 2005
To be honest, I didn't expect much of this film, given that it was being shown at 1 o'clock in the morning when no one would be watching, and the trashy title but it's a good little film.

Michael Madsen is good as the main character, who you root for despite his unsavoury nature. The supporting cast are also good, especially his ex-wife and her new husband and Agent Gottfried.

The tension ratchets up well, and the film moves along in a logical progression. Also, unlike many thrillers, there is enough revealed for the audience to work out who the Sweetwater killer is, without it being obvious. There are no illogical twists and turns which is always nice to see. The scenes with the killer are suitably scary, especially when the killer attacks his third on-screen victim.

The ending is good and well done, as is the rest of the film. It's not a classic, obviously, but watching the film is not a bad way of spending a couple of hours.
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Mojo (1997)
It could have been so much better
10 November 2004
Well it's true. This could have been really good. Most of the cast are good actors, the setting and plot were intriguing, the characters interesting and the score was good but for some reason it failed to come together.

A few comments about the good things first - the music over the opening credits was beautiful, really beautiful. The actors' performances were all good, Hans Matheson especially surprised me with how good he was given how bad he'd been in Dr. Zhivago.

The bad things - the plot didn't really hang together, the script was badly written and even the characters that weren't supposed to jabber did at times. It was also unfortunate that there was only one sympathetic character in the whole story and that the characters as a whole were a little underwritten. The directing was a little flat and if you can get Harold Pinter into a film at least use him for more than five minutes.

I like crime films, gangster flicks, those sort of things but this is definitely one not to recommend. Except for the first fifteen minutes which I would watch just for the music over the beginning credits and the appearance of Silver Johnny I would avoid this unless you're a fan of one of the actors since all of them get a decent amount of speaking time.
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I Swear That There's A Good Film In Here Somewhere
4 June 2002
It's just finding it that's the problem.

No, that's not the problem, the problem is that there are several nifty films in here, but none of them have anything to do with the other.

Mr. Philby and Mrs. Whatsit (I think that's her name) are fantastic. Their scenes are amongst the best in the film, full of regret, suffering and worry.

Then there's the tragedy of Anne and the good Doctor - I found it an interesting touch for the motorised parambulator to appear twice. This comes complete with a mugger straight out of Crime and Punishment.

The fears over technology going too far, my favourite background bit (there were many of these, and they were entertaining) must have been the continuity with Lunar Leisure.

Vox and the Chief Morlock who appear to be showing the problems of knowing everything. These two are up there with Mr. Philby and the Housekeeper in terms of enjoyment of their scenes. I'd only ever seen Orlando Jones in a comedy, but his scenes as Vox were outstanding, quite funny, but scary as well. The trouble is, the chief Morlock is such an interesting character I don't want to watch the scenes after him. If ever there was a case for giving a character more scenes it was him.

Then Mara and the Eloi who are the damsels in distress straight out of a normal action/adventure film.

The trouble is Guy Pearce as Dr. Alexander something-or-other has to try to pull these disparate elements together while coping with a lack of script and one of the worst accents ever.

On top of this, too much of the film is reminiscent of other films, the soundtrack sounds like leftovers from Lord of the Rings, the Morlocks move like the soldier mummies from the recent Mummy films, etc.

And it doesn't work. This is one of those films which may grow into a cult success, but it won't be a big hit. A sci-fi curate's egg with the parts being more interesting than the whole.
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I've Never Been So Disappointed
8 February 2002
Warning: Spoilers
And I mean that. I loved Gundam Wing the series and was looking forward to this, as I'd been told it was very good and the art was better than in the TV series. And it probably was, but, and this was the problem, they'd taken everything I loved about the TV series and destroyed it.

Possible Spoilers

-Relena slaps someone. That's right, Relena 'all violence is wrong' Dorlan slapped someone. The film makes it out to be some high point, but it's not, in doing so Relena wins the battle but loses the war. How can you advocate total peace and go around slapping people.

-All the goodies (except Trowa) became clean cut good guys. I want my unstable Heero back, I want Wufei to be impossible. And Zechs, one of the most conflicted characters to inhabit the screen, got white washed. Completely. He was all fight then go home. What the heck!!

The only way I can recommend watching this is with the sound off so you don't hear what they've done to the characters but can still look at the visuals, which are good.
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Umm, what do I think of this film
27 January 2002
Warning: Spoilers
HP and the Philosopher's Stone is a very difficult film to review, mainly because I'm in two minds about it.

On the one hand, it's a good film with Hogwarts in particular being beautifully shot. I want to go to school there.

On the other, as an adaptation of the book, it lousy. Truly lousy. For instance, Malfoy, who still does come over as the school bully from hell, seems to have had half his lines cut, or they've been inserted into a different part of the story.

And I'm not even a hardliner, if the cuts and changes were necessary it would be okay, but several of them are not, a case in point the Quidditch match. The match I saw on screen was exiting yes (one of my favourite scenes actually), but not the match in the book. What happened to Flint's body check on Harry, and Lee Jackson commentary (one of my favourite parts of the book)? It would have been easy enough to have in.

I suppose the problem is the little cuts (Hagrid on the boat, in Diagon Alley, Snape's leg) added up, especially since the moved scenes tended to be my favourites.

What especially upset me is (SPOILER)

Hermionie's character beats Snape's part of the protection in the book, in this she just tagged along after saving Ron and Harry from the weed thing. Actually what did happen to Snape's part of the defences? They seemed to have gone missing.

And she doesn't have that awful speech about things other than books and cleverness being important.

But this is a film review, not a book review so, on it's own merits as a film it's good. And in some parts very good, but as not even a fan of the books to any great extent, I found the changes disturbing, especially the horrific scene at the end where the bad guy turns in to dust. Hello, it wasn't in the books so why do it, it's no better than the scene in the book, though I imagine it was easier to film it the way they have.

The main good points: Harry - comes over much better than in the books. Quirrell - wonderful acting. Hagrid - just yay. Dumbeldore- despite having half his lines cut. I wanted the socks line. Seamus - very funny
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It Took Me 10 Years To Figure Out Why I Disliked This Film So Much
20 January 2002
Warning: Spoilers
(Spoilers Possible)

This was the first big blockbuster I can remember, and I'd spent years disliking it, but I couldn't figure out what the problem was, and then it hit me. The whole character of Will Scarlet.

I'd been brought up on Robin Hood since I was young and to have Will Scarlet defamed like that. He would never do anything like that to Robin Hood. And yes I know it's only a fictional character but the way the film portrays him is wrong.

Other problems:

1) Azeem - Yes, Robin Hood had a sidekick who stayed with him no matter what. His name was Little John (There's another character who's name was besmirched). But Morgan Freeman does brilliantly as Azeem, and makes the film bareable.

2) Robin Hood never went to the Holy Lands, he stayed at home to defend England from Prince John.

3) Will Scarlet - just horrible how they treat him, and the rest of the Merry Men.

4) Robin Hood, who is as dull as dishwater. This is the only time I have ever wanted the evil Sheriff of Nottingham to win.

There were a couple of good points,

1) The Sheriff of Nottingham, who makes the film bareable and watchable. And grabs most of the best lines.

2) The theme song. I love it.

But that's it. I'd still say watch it 'cause it's a good way to waste a couple of hours, but as a Robin Hood film it's very poor.
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Phantom 2040 (1994–1996)
Favourite Cartoon Series
22 August 2001
Well, it's either this or Gundam Wing, and what they both share is a darker tone than most cartoons. I kinda fell on this when I was channel flicking but I got hooked. The art is very stylised but I like it and well the Phantom rocks. But what really got me was the bad guys, who well Rebecca Madison may have been evil, but her son and Graft weren't, and when your about 7-8 that really messes with your mind.

So, even if you're an adult who thinks cartoons are for kids I can heartily recommend this.
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Brainless but good
26 November 2000
Actually that does the film a disservice, yes, it isn't a metaphorical contemplation on life and death but it's quick-moving and very visual. Yes, the plot has more holes in it than Swiss cheese but the fight scenes are good and the dancing is also good. At times it comes over as one long hair care product commercial, the girls are always flicking their hair, or a long cigarette advert but it's forgivable.

The bad guys are the main reason for wanting to re-watch this. The dude with the hair fetish completely freaked me out and by the end I felt really sorry for the bad guy. The soundtrack is great to. So basically watch it then rewind and rewatch the scenes with Chad, the bad guys and the fight scenes, especially the first one. The director deserves some sort of award for sheer spectacle and so does the fight director. Sure it rips off the Matrix but it does it differently, less seriously. Also if you get the chance stay and watch the end credits. We were kicked out mid-way through them. This film rocks.
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Pitch Black (2000)
What a ride
11 November 2000
An extremely exiting film, which very good CGI effects, such as the ring of stones, even if the creatures look a little like the Shadows from Babylon 5.

However it is the acting and cinematography that really rank this film, such as the start where the harsh light make this look like a really different planet which is a hard thing to do. The acting was really good especially on the parts of the kid, Riddick, the pilot and Johns. Most of the characters have separate identities so you can empathise with them, and the ending, and the film as a whole, has interesting things to say.
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Gladiator (2000)
I hate Ridley Scott, ....but I mean that in a nice way.
21 May 2000
Warning: Spoilers
Warning, Spoilers ahead.

Gladiator might not be the greatest film ever, it might not even be the best this year but it is most certainly the best Hollywood hype film for years. While I was watching this I though of the other Ridley Scott film I had seen, Blade Runner, and the two share similarities. An incredible set design and background, the cities in this film look real, an unbeatable character who is beaten and an evil which must be destroyed. It is also clinical like Blade Runner, yet it had me in tears at the end. The similarities end here and I think Gladiator is a much better film because the supporting cast and the lead actors are allowed to flesh their roles out more. There are also many different moods going on here.

Gladiator is in many ways a tragedy, in the manner of Greek tragedy, where there is double crossing and death at every turn, only it is blasted on to the big screen and comes alive. The end reminds me of Hamlet a bit as well. Russell Crowe yet again shows he is a really good actor, and Oliver Reed had his best part in years, indeed as Proximo he has one of the best speeches in the film about what it is like to fight at the Coliseum, but this film is made in many ways by Ridley Scott and the little details he puts in in the huge crowd scenes, especially the ones at the Amphitheatres. Truly breathtaking in scope yet as very small, all Maximus wants to do is go home, if there has been a better huge budget film since Blade Runner, I don't think I've seen it.
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Elizabeth (1998)
What was that..!!!
9 May 2000
My main thoughts as I watched this was, "What was that," and "Did I see that." After you get through the weirdness, anyone who was anything to do with the French court, you see that this film has several strengths and weaknesses. Strengths, the acting apart from Dudley (Joseph Fiennes), especially Cate Blanchett, Geoffrey Rush, Daniel Craig and various conspirators, and the cinematographer who seemed to know what was going on when no one else did.

Weaknesses, Dudley, who from this seems to be something of a soppy fool, and most of the scenes with him I wouldn't have minded being cut out, the plot which took us here there and yon without a small breather to let you say "Yes I did see that."

Special mention to Eric Cantona, I thought he would just be a bad cameo, but he is good, and you can feel for the French ambassador's desperate attempts to cope with the Duc of Anjou.

A good film but not a mega great, could defintely do with a rewatch.
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Macbeth (1979 TV Movie)
If your not going for the Blasted Heath thing, don't have one of your characters say that in a line
19 April 2000
I was looking forward to this, everyone was raving about it. Then there was a short documentary before it about Trevor Nunn's vision for the play and I got worried. He said that he wanted to get away from the Blasted Heath and Witches that had become linked to the play. I hate to point this out to an important director but Shakespeare wrote them in. So I watched with fear as to what would be done to the play. The witches were there in an altered form, and Macbeth himself says something about it being a blasted heath, so I'm supposing that passed through Nunn's cuts.

Other than a director who messed with the play, it was indeed quite good, the actors were very good, especially Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Macduff, Malcolm, Donalbain and Ross, but I couldn't shake off the fear of what the director would do next.

As for Lady Macbeth's famous scream, yes it conveyed the horror of what was going on but it also sounded like a kettle boiling. Judi Dench was very good though.
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Macbeth (I) (1997)
18 April 2000
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking forward to this film, because I like the play and I couldn't see how it could fail. How wrong could I be. Whoever had cut the play had cut everything not vital to the character of Macbeth, losing lots of good passages. The Scottish lords were not developed and for all the reasoning it gave him *spoiler*

Macbeth could have been killed by another lord not MacDuff.

I think most of the failings in this were due to fiddling with the script as opposed to the acting but I have to say it is confusing when Sayton and Banquo look quite alike.
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Why do people adore this film?
3 January 2000
I watched the film, thought it was all right. Everyone said the book was even better, read the book. Thought it was boring. Watched the film again. Realised Brad Pitt did the best he could do with the rather unsympathetic character of Louis.

The worst parts of the film are the parts which concentrate on Louis and Claudia, because in the book they are the two weakest characters. Whenever Lestat or Armand etc, appear the film gets a lot better.

The best things about this film are the sets, the directing and the Paris vampires. I can't comment on whether Antonio Banderas is too old to play Armand since I saw this first so he is imprinted on my mind. However I think he and most of the film is reasonably close to the book.
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Oliver Twist (1999)
30 December 1999
Oliver Twist was on at the same time as another costume drama so we taped Oliver and the other one and also watched the other. It was dull, so the next week I watched Oliver Twist. I wish I had watched it from the start. It inspired me to read the book, although I wish I hadn't, I much prefer this version. The writer has changed much over it making it seem more vicious but more human as well. On the acting front it was hilarious, very nearly over the top and just right for a Dickens melodrama. The one character who I thought was fantastic was Monks, the actor who played him deserves a BAFTA or something. In the book he is a thoroughly nasty and boring character, in this he is nasty but interesting as well. I liked the way it looked, it was very grubby, and you could see why Oliver was liked by everybody, which was a bit different. The end episode is great and had me nearly in tears. A really good production.
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A very funny film
22 September 1999
This was one of my favourite films when I was little, but Channel 5 have just put it on after the watershed and that made it even better. I always thought there was a problem with the continuity when she hands him the thing at the end but I was wrong it was terrible censoring.

Back to the film. All the actors are good in the film although Alan Rickman steals the show completely. Even if you don't like mystery films tape the fight scene at the end of this, it is one of the funniest you will ever see.

Just one more thing would somebody get Nick Starkey a cappuccino.
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Good fun flick
19 September 1999
A Few Good Men is a good fun Saturday night flick. A plot that makes you think a bit, overall good acting and an obvious message. Good but not a classic. Where it really is very good is whenever Dawson and Downey are on.

They are really great actors. Also good are Kevin Pollak and Kevin Bacon. I don't like Tom Cruise so maybe I'm a bit prejudiced but he isn't the greatest thing since sliced bread and neither are Nicholson or Moore but it is still a good film.
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A family Christmas
6 September 1999
Warning: Spoilers
Warning this contains a possible spoiler.

A good film even if you take it out of it's royal setting, that shows exactly why you don't want to argue with your family, they can nitpick at you because they know everything about you. That is what you get in this film over two hour of family life if you are very unlucky. Brilliantly acted by everyone even the smaller parts. A man and wife have three sons and one that is dead, the wife wants the eldest to succeed, the husband wants the youngest and the middle son gets nothing. The eldest son wants the father to like him and the middle son wants his mother to like him. The father is having an affair with another girl who his wife brought up. The girls brother is leading the eldest son on and they are all after the crown and locked in, in the same castle over Christmas. Funny in parts, tragic in others this really should be seen by more people.
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Weird and good
6 September 1999
If only they made films like this now. The Testament of Doctor Mabuse is a strange film but very good. It has a police man who is a maverick who everyone respects about 20 years before there were any others and a master criminal who wants to take over the world and could probably do it. A spooky film in parts and the special effects are down right fantastic, and what's more they fit in with the story and aren't put there just for putting them ins sake. A really good film.
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Hamlet (1996)
Brilliantly done.
31 August 1999
I've seen three versions of Hamlet, this, the Nicol Williamson version and the Olivier version and this is without a doubt the best one. All the performances were incredible, especially Micheal Maloney (Leartes), Hamlet (Branagh) and Horatio (Nicholas Farrell). A bit long but there is an intermission in the film version. All the characters come out as sympathetic which is good because it makes it a true tragedy. The play was one of Shakespeares best and this is one of Branagh best films.
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Blade Runner (1982)
16 August 1999
I first saw this on the recommendation of my Uncle who is always saying you should watch this that or another film. This one I thank him for. Ridley Scott might not have meant it but he has created a brilliant film about humanity, life, love and friendship. Because everyone had told me the replicants were the bad guys I kept a special eye on them and in the beginning you can see that while Pris and Batty's time was up the other two still had two years. They came out of friendship and the same with J F Sebastian. Like everyone else I have to say this is a great film and the acting is brilliant especially the Replicants, wether or not thins extends to Harrison Ford is something that has to be puzzled over. Rutger Hauer is fantastic in this and I am never going to forget the scene on the roof.
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