
1 Review
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Most Godawful Adaptation of Anything
20 July 1999
Saw this movie on the Romance channel. What a complete waste of broadcasting time! This adaptation cut anything of value out of the original. The casting was incredibly bad. Who would ever believe that Don Johnson's character would be interested in the character playing his supposed "love interest". The acting was quite bad as well, complete with bad southern accents. Now, for the wardrobe and hair, what the hell was going on? There was a mix of 1930's and 80's style clothes and haircuts that was just plain rediculous. Cybil Shepard was dressed in 80's sunglasses and dresses while Don Johnson kept dressing up in 30's/40's clothes. Of course, once in a while he'd have the Miami Vice outfit on as well. We kept wondering what time period the movie was set in. Even down to the cars - mixtures of cars from the 40's all the way up to 80-something GMC pickups. The general store had ladies boots (and everything else) that looked like they were borrowed from the Little House on the Prarie set. Then you would see Igloo coolers on a shelf. The thing I really don't get is, if it WAS set in the 80's, then why the hell didn't they use air conditioning?

Stupid, stupid, waste of time and space piece of garbage. Makes me mad to think about it!
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