
7 Reviews
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Oh, So Wonderful
13 March 2000
My mother had seen King of Hearts years ago, when she was in college. When I was about seven or eight (a few years ago, she rented the movie. Most of the movie is in French and it had subtitles, so even though I could just barely understand what was being said, I had a wonderful understanding of what was going on. It's the type of movie where what's on screen is enough to let a person get a gist of the scene. When I first saw the movie, I remembered how lovely the music was, how I grew to love the "crazy" people from the asylum, and how beautiful the movie was. When my mom bought the movie, we watched it constantly. I still watch it at least once a month. It's one of my favorite movies. I really do love the music. For me, it simulates fun insanity. I love every single aspect of King of Hearts. If you ever have a chance to see it, then go! Go see King of Hearts!
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Passport to Paris (1999 Video)
Give Me A Break
7 March 2000
When I was little, the Olsen twins were the best. They were on Full House, had a bunch of songs and movies, etc. ... but as teenagers, they've kind of... fizzled out. I've never thought that the twins could act very well, but their acting is really horrible. Some of what they say is so over-used, that I could say their line before they even said it, without having seen the movie before. Most lines are just plain ridiculous. The two boys they develop a relationship seem very... fake... the accents are horrible. I could tolerate a real, authentic French accent or one done through training, but it seems to me that the boys just imitated how French-people-speaking-English talk. I can't stand that movie. I've seen it once and that's enough for me, thank you.
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The Insider (1999)
My New Favorite Movie
7 November 1999
The Insider is one of the best movies I've ever seen. The camera angles make the movie interesting and so do the backgrounds. Each scene is filled with fantastic acting, and the directing is marvelous. It was a bit long, yes, but I didn't mind. I saw no real flaws in this movie. I loved it!
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Out of the Wilderness (1998 TV Movie)
absolutely AWFUL
15 September 1999
The story-line of this movie was a bit erratic to begin with, but as I watched more and more of the movie, I found myself watching only to see how much worse it could get. The acting is off, and perhaps the only scene that oozed a slight bit of acting was when the father falls down, off of his little snow-mobile; then having the raven bring everyone back to find him. The whole entire movie struck me as ridiculous, with the Raven being the only character I liked. Sure, I felt bad for the little girl and all, but the acting of everyone was barely there. In one scene, there's a man talking about the mannerisms of Ravens to a judge, so the raven isn't destroyed. He proceeds to break into various bird-calls awkwardly, which really turned me off. 1/10... next time I see it, I'll remember to laugh at how unrealistic it is. Even if it's geared towards small children (which it seems to be), it's still awful.
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The Jack Bull (1999 TV Movie)
I cried
25 July 1999
I usually don't like movies, based on this type of premise; Western movies. However, the Jack Bull held my interest. John Cusack is a wonderful actor, and every single actor in the movie amazed me. Rarely do I ever cry while watching a movie, more or less, a movie at home. But I cried at the end of The Jack Bull. I love this movie.
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Clue (1985)
I love Clue
23 July 1999
Clue is one of my favorite movies. I watch it over and over again because I really think it's great. The characters are all witty and the plot is smart. At no times whatsoever do I find myself bored. It's just a killer of a movie, with Tim Curry (In my opinion) as the life of it.
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Times Square (1980)
oh, wow
23 July 1999
I couldn't sleep last night, so I turned on the TV, only to find Times Square--the movie. I thought it was very good, very emotional, and very twisted. It took me a while to find out that that was Tim Curry in it. I was sitting there for a while, saying to myself, "Is that him? No... wait, yes it is!". Anyway, I liked the movie a lot. The acting is wonderful.
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