
5 Reviews
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A surprise
22 June 1999
I went to see this last night against my better judgement. I expected to be bored stupid, and just went as my friend was paying. How wrong could I be? From beginning to end this film is thoroughly entertaining. As soon as I saw the cop in the evidence depository walking past Michael's mask from Halloween, and Jason's hockey mask and chainsaw from the Friday the 13th's I knew that the film wouldn't take itself seriously, and just settled down to have some fun. This film is not scary, and has little tension. There are, however, laughs aplenty. In fact I would call this a comedy as much as a horror. If you watch with an open mind I'm sure you will like it too.
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Film-makers can't win
18 May 1999
Film-makers can't seem to be able to do anything right. Instead of churning out the same old tired sequels, which they get criticised for, they have tried to be creative here and get abused for that.

Most comments I have read have said that this is a bad film because it doesn't include the old 'favourites', but then they call the rest of the series for being very similar to each other.

I will concede that this film, with the exception of the first ten minutes, is NOT scary; but it's still an ok film. It's different than any other film I can recall seeing, and does have a few surprises and a good ending.

I would say that if you were going to watch with an open mind you may well enjoy this
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16 May 1999
This is easily my favourite film of all time. It may just be that I identified so strongly with Willie that I thought I was watching a documentary about myself, I don't know.I thought the acting was fantastic and the writing superb. The way the relationships between the men were constructed was, in my opinion, beautifully done. The only problem with the film for me was in the casting of Uma Thurman. She was supposed to play the ultimate fantasy woman, and I REALLY can't see it, but that's just a minor flaw. It was filled with thought provoking moments and touching scenes, and left me feeling good at the end. A treat!!!!!
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2 May 1999
I preferred this to the original.It did have some low points but I thought Julian Beck who played Kane (aka THE BEAST) made this movie with his performance.Come to think of was probably only this that set it apart and without him I probably would prefer the first one
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Scream (1996)
27 April 1999
I hadn't seen a horror film for a few years 'till I came across this.My initial reaction was, what a treat it was.The genre was pretty much dead before this, so things obviously had to change. There has been a lot of criticism of this film from the horror enthusiasts due to its somewhat 'user-friendly' style, but I don't see that as a problem.Times have changed now and film making is much more sophisticated than 1978 when the awesome Halloween graced our cinema screens. This was as much a parody of horror films as a horror in its own right, it also doesn't pretend to be anything other than what it is......which is a refreshing change. The writing and directing were excellent, and the acting was better than you will find in any other film in this genre in my opinion. There was not any point in the film that I was scared (which was a bit of a disappointment), but then I've seen so many that I don't know if I can be anymore.Also the storyline and whodunnit factor suck you in to the point that you are too busy concentrating on the killers identity and looking for clues to take in the my friends have pointed out. There are also a lot of jokes in it that you MIGHT miss if you are not a horror regular......but then you might not. All in all I think that this is a fantastic film whether you look at it as a genuine horror film or a mystery/thriller/suspense type of film, and much more satisfying than the sequel. I just hope that now this has been such a big success that another wave of horror might soon be upon never know, some might even be worth seeing!
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