
6 Reviews
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Stolen Summer (2002)
I'm sorry, but this movie is amateur
26 June 2003
I wanted to like this movie, I really did. I normally love Miramax productions, and with Affleck and Damon involved, it had to be good. I faithfully watched Project Greenlight but still had high hopes for the movie. However, having seen it, I cannot believe Ben and Matt attached their names to this thing. This was the best script of all the entries?? This is an after-school special at best, and not even a good one at that. The story line is too weak for a feature length film and the character development is poor and inconsistent. Aiden Quinn's character at one point befriends the Rabbi while at the same time making anti-semitic comments to his children. Are were really to believe he's a bigot? I just didn't get it. Sorry Pete Jones, try again. But if this is your best effort, I think it's time to reapply at the insurance company.
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Painfully horrible
12 April 2003
Wow. This movie is actually watchable because it's so bad. You can't take your eyes off the screen because all you keep thinking is - someone read this script and greenlighted it? Someone actually put their own money up to finance this movie? Somebody actually thought this movie would make money? It is absolutely the worst piece of trash I have ever seen since Men at Work with the Sheen brothers. And I like Tom Green, but this is the absolute worst thing anyone has ever put on screen. Don't wasted one minute of your time watching it.
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Blow (2001)
If you've seen Goodfellas....
10 November 2001
....then you've seen Blow. Less than 2 minutes into this film it was painfully obvious to me that Ted Demme (the director) was ripping off Scorcese's Goodfellas right down to the use of Ray Liotta. The narration, the 50's flashbacks, the "freeze-frame" style direction, etc. And of course, the story itself is weak. Horrible casting choices include the Australian actress Rachel Griffiths as Depp's mother and Penelope Cruz and his annoying, eternally bitchy wife. Is it worth the rental? Maybe. But I'd suggest getting if for free at your local library.
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Rawhide (1938)
If you're a Gehrig fan...
1 September 2001
...then you must watch this movie. I've been a big fan all my life and have always thought that there just wasn't enough extended film footage on him. There are lots and lots of interviews with Babe Ruth yet it's difficult to find anything like that with Gehrig so I had searched for a long time to get a good copy of Rawhide - Lou's one and only full length movie. Of course this movie was made in 1938 so the quality is not the best, but all and all, the movie was entertaining. Lou plays himself. After finishing the baseball season, he heads out to Montana for some rest and relaxation on his sister's ranch. Well, as it turns out, she is being pressured to join the "association" which provides protection for local ranchers. Yet it's really just a bully organization that bleeds all of the local ranchers of their profits. Gehrig's performance is enjoyable. He's almost giddy in his acting which makes the movie all that more watchable. There's a real good fight scene in the local saloon where Lou takes out his opponents one-by-one by throwing billiard balls at him. And of course, the movie ends on a happy note. Hope you're able to get a copy of this movie. Watch it and enjoy.
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Lean on Me (1989)
Another brilliant performance by Mr. Freeman
27 April 2000
Can you say underrated? This film was fantastic. Morgan Freeman shows once again that he is one of the finest American actors in Hollywood. His portrayal of Joe Clark was amazing; you hated him and loved him at the same time. DeNiro, Hoffman, Streep, and yes, Freeman.
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Rounders (1998)
Basically, thumbs down.
1 March 1999
Sorry, but I just couldn't buy the fact that Damon's character would associate himself with a creep like Norton's character. And I just can't see Damon as a Vegas-quality poker player. And what's with Malkovich? If overacting was an Oscar category, he'd be a shoo-in, right after Pacino and Eric Roberts. Sorry, too ridiculous to enjoy.
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