
3 Reviews
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25 May 2001
Fun movie! Has plenty of action and a somewhat coherent plot in spite of the fact that there is no dialogue. Raquel is the jewel of this dinosaur flick. And Ray Harryhausen's special effects, which may have been the best in the 50's and 60's were quite good here. It looks funny to have Cretaceous dinosaurs coexisting with Stone Age humans. Sabertooths and Giant Cave bears may have been more appropriate. Obviously, there were no tailors in 1,002,001 b.c. but how did Raquel manage to find a hair dresser?
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Worth watching!
20 May 2001
What a remarkably entertaining little film loosely based on the life of silent screen star Pearl White. Betty Hutton gives a lively, sympathetic performance. John Lund is the aloof unemotional object of Pearl's affections. Frank Loesser's score is beautiful. Especially the movie's theme song 'I Wish I Didn't Love You So' which Betty performs so tenderly. This movie deserves mention as a classic. If you get a chance have a look at it. It is fast paced but there time in places for a little fun and sentiment.
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Family Adventure
9 January 2000
I thought this movie was a fine, clean motion picture with action and adventure. I appreciated the high moral values portrayed in this entertaining film. If you are looking for a picture to enjoy with your family(small children included) for an evening, then I would recommend this one.
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