35 of 86 found this moderate
Two of the main characters are a pimp and a prostitute. Although they are not shown having sex, they are implied to have had multiple sexual encounters.
Several prostitutes pretend to be engaging in intercourse with men in order to pass messages to each other. One woman fakes giving a man a blowjob and another woman pretends to have rear-entry sex with another person.
A scene takes place at a strip club, where several women dressed in thin bras and G-string's are shown dancing suggestively with spread legs. Rear nudity is shown.
Naked people are shown walking into a crowd of people. Their private parts are blurred and is not in a sexual context.
Naked people are shown floating in cylindrical tubs. Not very graphic.
21 of 35 found this moderate
The movie contains some bloody violence, specifically deaths that involve shootings which are not graphic. However, some of them are quite unexpected and used for shock value.
A man shoots another man in the head. Very quick and briefly shows blood.
A long fight breaks out near the end of the film. People are shown pointing guns at others, shooting people, and punching them.
A man is shot multiple times throughout the film. His bullet wound is shown with injury detail in brief instances.
53 of 65 found this severe
The word "nigga" is used repeatedly throughout the film.
"Fuck" and it's derivatives such as "motherfucker" is frequently used throughout.
As an example of the level of adult language, fuck is used 169 times in this 122-minute-long film.
27 of 40 found this moderate
Many characters are frequently shown drinking and smoking casually.
Some characters are shown snorting substances. The side effects are shown in a surreal manner, but not very graphic.
14 of 32 found this moderate
The movie has an absurdist nightmarish tone to the film that includes some creepy scenes. Although the movie is a comedy, the humor is very dark and the deaths come out of nowhere. Not recommended for younger audiences.