With an undercurrent that explores class issues and generational divides, 'Get Duked! (2020)' sees four schoolboys become stranded in the Scottish Highlands, chased by homicidal cultists as they attempt to complete the much-coveted 'Duke of Edinburgh' award. The flick balances humour with horror, leaning heavily towards the former but always respecting the latter. There are no real scares in the thing but it doesn't really matter; no-one should really expect existential terror, grotesque body horror or, even, plain old jump scares in a piece such as this. Unfortunately, there aren't any real laughs, either. Don't get me wrong, there are chuckles peppered throughout. Plus, the flick is generally affable and energetic enough that it isn't heavily impacted by its lack of high-calibre comedy. It's an enjoyable experience that sometimes satisfyingly subverts audience expectation. It's a decent effort. 6/10