26 reviews
The documentary is kind of strange, given how many technical terms and technical practices of Neuro Emotional Therapy is mentioned, but not explained how the practices help.
All that is mentioned is "I feel much better, it saved my life!" kinds of testimonies that really undermine the valid points as how stress at its worst, can basically kill a patient. This is kind of misleading, as stress is usually the indirect cause of, if any, death. Stress as a mental ailment can catalyse illnesses, and correctly mentioned, causes physical ailments, while being cause by physical ailments.
But when all is said is done, basically the documentary raises awareness about how stress needs to be properly managed, and somehow the only solution mentioned is N.E.T., like it's a saviour or a magic bullet or something, with research being propped up to support it, with insufficient explanation of the representation, procedures and sampling of the research.
Please don't be mislead by this documentary, there are several ways of reducing stress rather than using N.E.T., such as counselling, proper management of stress and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, and much more.
All that is mentioned is "I feel much better, it saved my life!" kinds of testimonies that really undermine the valid points as how stress at its worst, can basically kill a patient. This is kind of misleading, as stress is usually the indirect cause of, if any, death. Stress as a mental ailment can catalyse illnesses, and correctly mentioned, causes physical ailments, while being cause by physical ailments.
But when all is said is done, basically the documentary raises awareness about how stress needs to be properly managed, and somehow the only solution mentioned is N.E.T., like it's a saviour or a magic bullet or something, with research being propped up to support it, with insufficient explanation of the representation, procedures and sampling of the research.
Please don't be mislead by this documentary, there are several ways of reducing stress rather than using N.E.T., such as counselling, proper management of stress and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, and much more.
I originally expected a well informed documentary on the causes and effects, both psychologically and physiologically, of stress. And granted while the beginning is a rather brief and an almost incomplete summary of stress it later turns into a fully focused infomercial for the NET 'system' with the majority of the content being testimonials and personal recaps of how NET 'really helped' the individuals.
In the beginning the film attempts to summarise the origin and prior scientific studies which founded our current understanding of stress. However it leaves a lot of statements seeming rather unnecessary and unimportant, which felt like an attempt to add scientific substance to boost the film's validity. An example being stating Isaac Newton's 3 laws of physics but then never returning to correlate it to anything else besides its prior statement about a scientist who used the term 'stress' in structural engineering. While there was some interesting more relevant history, again it was never properly explained or explored, more just stated.
At first I was also rather confused as to why pretty much all the academics discussing the subject had the title 'D.C', one I had never came across before, unlike the usual MD or Psy.D. However after a quick Google search I discovered that it was for doctors of chiropractic. While chiropractor's are well informed I definitely would have expected a wider range of inputs from different fields to give a bigger and more complete picture, especially on the subject of stress.
After a small bit of reasonably informative 'chats' about stress it then cuts to this certain doctor who you then discover was the inventor of this system NET, which again is never explained or described initially, and from there the subject never seems to stray. A constant flow of personal experiences and 'studies'/Doctors that give pro-evidence to the ideals of NET follows and at this point it is no longer a documentary about stress but one about NET.
At one point it even begins to say that mental resolution of trauma is useless and how affirmation and positive thinking doesn't help and how stress is ALL really just physiological and not that much psychological.
It's really disappointing to sit down to watch a documentary about such a relevant topic to only be spammed with biased views and have very superficial scientific information. And to then realise halfway through that the big 'we couldn't have made this film without help from......XXXX' you get in the intro is really just saying that this documentary was funded by the association that uses NET. So it's self funded. NET funded a documentary about stress that says how good NET is.
In the end I only made it half way through before I began to skip through hoping it would go back to actual 'stress'. But it didn't so I turned it off. I actually felt so disappointed I created an IMDB account just to review it.
And it's crap.
In the beginning the film attempts to summarise the origin and prior scientific studies which founded our current understanding of stress. However it leaves a lot of statements seeming rather unnecessary and unimportant, which felt like an attempt to add scientific substance to boost the film's validity. An example being stating Isaac Newton's 3 laws of physics but then never returning to correlate it to anything else besides its prior statement about a scientist who used the term 'stress' in structural engineering. While there was some interesting more relevant history, again it was never properly explained or explored, more just stated.
At first I was also rather confused as to why pretty much all the academics discussing the subject had the title 'D.C', one I had never came across before, unlike the usual MD or Psy.D. However after a quick Google search I discovered that it was for doctors of chiropractic. While chiropractor's are well informed I definitely would have expected a wider range of inputs from different fields to give a bigger and more complete picture, especially on the subject of stress.
After a small bit of reasonably informative 'chats' about stress it then cuts to this certain doctor who you then discover was the inventor of this system NET, which again is never explained or described initially, and from there the subject never seems to stray. A constant flow of personal experiences and 'studies'/Doctors that give pro-evidence to the ideals of NET follows and at this point it is no longer a documentary about stress but one about NET.
At one point it even begins to say that mental resolution of trauma is useless and how affirmation and positive thinking doesn't help and how stress is ALL really just physiological and not that much psychological.
It's really disappointing to sit down to watch a documentary about such a relevant topic to only be spammed with biased views and have very superficial scientific information. And to then realise halfway through that the big 'we couldn't have made this film without help from......XXXX' you get in the intro is really just saying that this documentary was funded by the association that uses NET. So it's self funded. NET funded a documentary about stress that says how good NET is.
In the end I only made it half way through before I began to skip through hoping it would go back to actual 'stress'. But it didn't so I turned it off. I actually felt so disappointed I created an IMDB account just to review it.
And it's crap.
This is in short a very long commercial for the different doctors treating patients. They go over the same stuff over and over again, not giving away anything you can use yourself. This could have been shortened to a ten minutes long commercial.
- ceciliakonstantin
- Mar 8, 2019
- Permalink
This video is an Ad for a specific therapy for sale called N.E.T.
Its not so much a documentary about stress as an ad for a specific therapy to stress. They say N.E.T. a thousand times in the video. They are selling something. They never tell you what N.E.T. is or how it works. I am not saying N.E.T. does or doesnt work. I am just saying this video is a sales pitch.
- stacymovieland
- Jan 5, 2019
- Permalink
It starts out really good, explaining what stress is and how unaware most of us are of what causes stress and how we deal with it.
Then, the subject changes and it's just a sequence of testimonials about N.E.T, their new treatment.
2 stars for the first 15-20 minutes.
Then, the subject changes and it's just a sequence of testimonials about N.E.T, their new treatment.
2 stars for the first 15-20 minutes.
1 hour long ad. One sided and lacks proofs and evidences.
No contraditory
Nowhere in this film does anyone actually discuss the techniques used. Al it does is croon on about how great it is - without giving any details whatsoever about what it is or how it's applied. Countless minutes of my life I'll never get back again...
- danalexbetts
- Apr 13, 2019
- Permalink
This documentary is excellent. We are at a time when the mind-body connection can finally be researched scientifically. New models for psychological and natural healthcare are now here to help so many people. This movie explains how these models work and show the ground breaking research that should pave the way for big change.
Everything in title.
Some scientific points in the 1-hour-ad make sense, but it's just to build some credibility before make you buy the N.E.T. scam ?
Why a scam ? Well, did you notice that the documentary is 100% people talking in seats, and no demonstration whatsoever ? That's for a reason : Go watch N.E.T. therapy right now on Youtube, the examples are absolutely hilarious. This is just pure nonsense. The guys just grab your arm and say something like "Alright so I feel like you had some deep stress because you were angry at your mom 14 years ago".
See we all want to believe we are complex characters in an interesting story. That's why we tend to believe the "demons of the past" story, but it's mostly used by scammers to play with your ego and your "deep, dark soul" that's gonna magically heal itself after your empty your bank account into this chimera of a treatment.
Science. Just. Do. Science.
Some scientific points in the 1-hour-ad make sense, but it's just to build some credibility before make you buy the N.E.T. scam ?
Why a scam ? Well, did you notice that the documentary is 100% people talking in seats, and no demonstration whatsoever ? That's for a reason : Go watch N.E.T. therapy right now on Youtube, the examples are absolutely hilarious. This is just pure nonsense. The guys just grab your arm and say something like "Alright so I feel like you had some deep stress because you were angry at your mom 14 years ago".
See we all want to believe we are complex characters in an interesting story. That's why we tend to believe the "demons of the past" story, but it's mostly used by scammers to play with your ego and your "deep, dark soul" that's gonna magically heal itself after your empty your bank account into this chimera of a treatment.
Science. Just. Do. Science.
If you think this is gonna be a serious documentary about stress,ohhh no....its just advertising for the misterious and unexplained N.E.T therapy.
A Total waste of time.
A Total waste of time.
I loved how easy it was to understand some of the complicated things about stress. I now understand a lot more about how stress affects me and I'm going to look for a doctor to get this treatment done on me. I recommend watching this, its only an hour but has so much good info.
- fredsmith777
- Jan 22, 2019
- Permalink
This is a wonderful, easy to follow documentary about a therapy that I've used in the past. I highly recommend watching it if you're having any kind of stressful problems or worse if your stress is actually getting you sick. It works, that's a fact and the film explains how it changes your brain so the stress doesn't affect you as bad.
I read the couple of bad reviews that some people gave it and it looks like they have an agenda of their own because it certainly doesn't sound like they watched the whole film. Probably an internet troll who bashes anything they don't want people to learn about.
All I can say is watch it and decide for yourself.
I read the couple of bad reviews that some people gave it and it looks like they have an agenda of their own because it certainly doesn't sound like they watched the whole film. Probably an internet troll who bashes anything they don't want people to learn about.
All I can say is watch it and decide for yourself.
- tomsnell777
- Jan 22, 2019
- Permalink
As a long time patient using and experiencing the benefits of NET, I am so happy to finally have something like this in the world! It's one thing to try to explain the technique to my friends and family, but to have research published in a reputable, peer-reviewed journal, as well as an easy to watch presentation of it all makes it so much easier to introduce to the people in my life I care about. I noticed another reviewer mentioned other methods to deal with stress... I my experience, this is not a substitute for therapy or meditation... but it greatly reduces the need for other interventions, leaving me more time to be out living my life! Aside from using NET to manage depression and anxiety, I have used it to heal my knees (literally instantly!!), eliminate tight muscles and allergies, and even break through plateaus in my own personal growth and development! I hope that this movie encourages more people to get certified in NET because I have friends who I have been encouraging to go try it for years but there's no one in their area. This should be a tool used in every doctor's office!!
- doctorredmond
- Jan 22, 2019
- Permalink
Glad this movie was finally made. It shows the people who developed this powerful healing technique and the impressive results it obtains with people every day. It's effectiveness was documented by positive brain changes as shown on MRI. In this world you can take 10,000 testimonies of happy satisfied people and an objective scientist or therapist or Dr. will say " That's nice. But when you show one MRI picture of a brain stressed and then not stressed / i.e. normal, with post cancer survivor pts as in the study as in the film. People who are in PTSD, years after the negative life episode. And their brains are calm and peaceful, NOT in PTSD anymore ! Now the doctors attention has been obtained. ! That is the Gold Standard of Research. The Holy Grail. There was a positive change in their brain with this intervention ! Does it help the person ? Y Did it hurt the person ? N Was it quick, efficient and very cost effective ? Y
The research shown in the film, took years to develop the outline, get approvals and then perform it. The medical study was then reviewed by a panel of medical dr's. whose job was to discredit it. They found nothing wrong. The results were published in a medical journal nation wide in 2017 " The Journal of Cancer Survivor. With future plans to be published in over 200 other medical journals with global readership. That is real science ! If the explanation of the representation, procedures and sampling of the research were put into the movie, we would have all fallen asleep by the 7th minute. The conclusion is what's important.
To respond to other reviews posted. How can you take complex subjects and squeeze them into an hour dvd? It can't be done. It would be a mini seminar or a 3 hour movie. This technique is a excellent adjunct to other treatment methods where a brick wall has been met and the patient is stuck. It can help them. This technique is not the only way. It works so well because it's a combination of many different styles of treatment working on the body all at once ! acupuncture, chiropractic, recall of stressful events in ones life, psychoneuroimmunology, nutrition, detox. That's the power of it.
Once one has experienced the technique or seen it done on a loved one, quickly and simply, the results are undeniable, for over 30 years ! If it works that well then maybe next time a person is stuck in their life, why not try NET first?
This film is simply getting very complex scientific information out to the public in a format anyone can easily understand. This is a technique that's been too hidden in plain sight for the last 30 years. It has millions of success stories attributed to it. But have you heard of this technique? No and neither did I until 3 years ago.
One could say they finally carved out the time in their busy lives to make this movie. Does it get an Oscar? No, but for the curious, stuck, hopeless and stressed it does provide answers.
The research shown in the film, took years to develop the outline, get approvals and then perform it. The medical study was then reviewed by a panel of medical dr's. whose job was to discredit it. They found nothing wrong. The results were published in a medical journal nation wide in 2017 " The Journal of Cancer Survivor. With future plans to be published in over 200 other medical journals with global readership. That is real science ! If the explanation of the representation, procedures and sampling of the research were put into the movie, we would have all fallen asleep by the 7th minute. The conclusion is what's important.
To respond to other reviews posted. How can you take complex subjects and squeeze them into an hour dvd? It can't be done. It would be a mini seminar or a 3 hour movie. This technique is a excellent adjunct to other treatment methods where a brick wall has been met and the patient is stuck. It can help them. This technique is not the only way. It works so well because it's a combination of many different styles of treatment working on the body all at once ! acupuncture, chiropractic, recall of stressful events in ones life, psychoneuroimmunology, nutrition, detox. That's the power of it.
Once one has experienced the technique or seen it done on a loved one, quickly and simply, the results are undeniable, for over 30 years ! If it works that well then maybe next time a person is stuck in their life, why not try NET first?
This film is simply getting very complex scientific information out to the public in a format anyone can easily understand. This is a technique that's been too hidden in plain sight for the last 30 years. It has millions of success stories attributed to it. But have you heard of this technique? No and neither did I until 3 years ago.
One could say they finally carved out the time in their busy lives to make this movie. Does it get an Oscar? No, but for the curious, stuck, hopeless and stressed it does provide answers.
- vipchiroml
- Jan 21, 2019
- Permalink
Fair points that the documentary could explain the technique more in depth, after all this is a forum to critique films. But for anyone who has received this treatment, they know how incredibly innovative and comprehensive NET is as a whole person approach to health and healing. I've been a patient for 10 years and recently my 8 year old son has dramatically benefited from adding NET to his treatment regime for debilitating neurological symptoms, chronic emotional and physical stress, and a weakened immune system. When we hit a plateau with conventional western medicine, we found a Certified NET practitioner to help deepen his level of healing and recovery. NET goes straight to the root causes of his emotional and physical stressors, helping him resolve them and move on! His immune system has strengthened and his neurological symptoms have drastically decreased. My 8 year old now has an understanding of how stress affects his brain and body and now asks for an NET appointment when he starts noticing stress affecting him. How cool is that!! Learning at a young age to take care of himself. His quality of life has improved and NET has been an integral part of that!
I'm grateful for this technique and this documentary.
- edtreatment
- Jan 22, 2019
- Permalink
I'm so glad that this film has come out because now people can learn about a way to really help with the stress in their lives. I'm not a doctor or a scientist and I could easily understand the scientific things they talked about. In the past I went to a doctor who used the NET treatment they talk about in the film and it helped me so much, now everyone can learn about it.
- kathyborges7
- Jan 23, 2019
- Permalink
Excellent documentary summarizing the study at Jefferson University Hospital regards to scientific validation of how the emotions can have a negative/positive effect on our health. NET has been helping many folks clinically in offices not only here in the US but abroad for years. This information needs to be out there for the public to see and make their own determinations of this treatment modality
- drpatrickarnold
- Jan 28, 2019
- Permalink
This film is powerful in it's ability to demonstrate the impact that research can have on the individual dealing with stress on a daily basis.
The future of medicine is changing rapidly and is being market driven to address each of us as individuals. The emerging tools and technology that are available to us and future generations will allow us to thrive to our genetic potential.
On average, the human genome codes for up to 125 years of life. The most important factor is "quality" of life. NeuroEmotional Technique is an amazing tool to help us on our journey to thrive to our maximum potential both in quality and quantity during our life time.
The future of medicine is changing rapidly and is being market driven to address each of us as individuals. The emerging tools and technology that are available to us and future generations will allow us to thrive to our genetic potential.
On average, the human genome codes for up to 125 years of life. The most important factor is "quality" of life. NeuroEmotional Technique is an amazing tool to help us on our journey to thrive to our maximum potential both in quality and quantity during our life time.
- dukeman-78299
- Jan 27, 2019
- Permalink
I've had friends tell me about how they've been helped so much with the stress in their lives by going to a doctor who did this special treatment that the film talks about. One of them had terrible headaches every week and now she never gets them anymore. Now that I've seen the film which has the researchers and doctors talking about how stress affects your health and your brain and how there's a proven treatment to help, I get what my friends have been telling me.
I was still skeptical before I watched it so I read all the reviews. The couple of bad reviews obviously didn't watch the film, and if they did they certainly had their minds made up before they watched it. One of them said they never tell you what NET is - of course they did! That was the point, that the research shows that there is a treatment that makes a huge change in how we handle stress. This film was really an eye-opener and I think its time for me to make an appointment with the doctor that my friends have been telling me about!
I was still skeptical before I watched it so I read all the reviews. The couple of bad reviews obviously didn't watch the film, and if they did they certainly had their minds made up before they watched it. One of them said they never tell you what NET is - of course they did! That was the point, that the research shows that there is a treatment that makes a huge change in how we handle stress. This film was really an eye-opener and I think its time for me to make an appointment with the doctor that my friends have been telling me about!
- mariedeluca
- Jan 23, 2019
- Permalink
Very interesting documentary. Enjoyed it. Anyone who's stressed out these days (who isn't?) needs to watch this.
- celizabethm10
- Jan 26, 2019
- Permalink
I'm always on the lookout for breakthroughs in healthcare, especially NON-pharmaceutical ones. After I saw this, I went and looked up the research on their ONE Foundation website and sure enough, it's all there. It actually gets me aggravated that the mainstream press ignores all these great approaches to helping people get better. I have a friend in the vitamin industry and they can't get any kind of funding for research. So good for this film and the research that was done by these people.
I am a practitioner using NET for over 11 years. The changes in my life and the life of my patients has been profound! This documentary captures the essence of stress, NET, and its research.
- parkerwendt
- Jan 30, 2019
- Permalink
Very fascinating, explained many aspects of stress I never knew. And good authorities interviewed, I've seen Drs. Newberg and Monti in other films. Well done film.
- marynapoli
- Feb 8, 2019
- Permalink
I've had family tell me about a doctor that they see that has helped them with all kinds of stressful situations as well as several health conditions that have all been helped with the treatment that this movie talks about. It all makes sense now, the research and explanations in the film were so easy to understand. I highly recommend this movie.
- carllorenzo
- Feb 8, 2019
- Permalink
I wasn't sure I would like this film, thought it might be too technical but it was really good and I want to watch it again.
- francessantulli
- Feb 8, 2019
- Permalink