The story takes place in a peaceful and peaceful Hui village. Gu Bo is a simple young man who lives there. Because he suffered from a strange disease since childhood, Gu Bo has a very inferi... Read allThe story takes place in a peaceful and peaceful Hui village. Gu Bo is a simple young man who lives there. Because he suffered from a strange disease since childhood, Gu Bo has a very inferiority complex. He firmly believes that no girl will take a fancy to himself like this, so ... Read allThe story takes place in a peaceful and peaceful Hui village. Gu Bo is a simple young man who lives there. Because he suffered from a strange disease since childhood, Gu Bo has a very inferiority complex. He firmly believes that no girl will take a fancy to himself like this, so he has no hope for life or feelings. His family was very worried about Gu Bai's thoughts a... Read all