All the couples have their own little things about them that I loved and didn't like about them. I really disliked Meg. I thought she was emotionally immature. She can't have a hard conversation without walking off. It is so annoying as she is a grown woman. They will not make it because of this. She is also unwilling to admit any of her faults. She couldn't even say that Jeremy was the one for her. Ok enough about Meg. Erik is another one I hated. He is such a meat head and he seems unchanged and he is just pretending to be a nice guy. Lauren is awesome, but she is a bad judge of character. She was right not to give it up so early. Lol. I like Kate and cam. They're very cute together. I also like that Kate was willing to admit that she messed up by cheating that's a big deal when you're trying to start over.