This one is another run-of-the-mill found footage haunted house / demonic possession movie, except that this time the usual cast of idiots is composed entirely of women. That is literally the only thing that differentiates this movie from any of a hundred other similar films.
Viewers can expect the usual low budget horror elements: people barfing up black goo, demonically distorted facial features, over-processed demonic voices, static-y interruptions to the video footage, and idiot characters who utterly fail to notice anything unusual happening until it's too late even though they specifically go to the haunted house to verify that it's haunted. In this case, it only becomes "too late" because the characters keep putting off leaving the house for some inexplicable reason -- there's not even any sort of supernatural power forcing them to stay on-site. The females aren't unattractive, but there are no cheap voyeuristic thrills to be found here., and no violence and no gore to boot.
I don't know who the target audience for this film was. Maybe 12 year olds will find it scary, I dunno. For the rest of us, look elsewhere.