I expected a balanced documentary - maybe something similar to 'Once upon a Time in Iraq' - but instead we are given something so bad, it's almost unwatchable. With its soap opera-style presentation, not only is this documentary completely one-sided, but it is also factually incorrect. Blaming Syria for the emergence of Al-Qaeda in Iraq and ISIS without attributing any blame for U. S/U. K foreign policy and their failing to act on intelligence as to the whereabouts of Zarqawi's training camps, is just laughable. Also, every person interviewed is someone who clearly had an agenda against Assad, and the attempted character assassination of Asma Al-Assad is not only completely sexist, but downright embarrassing.
If you are looking for an educational and well-balanced documentary regarding the roots of the political situation in Syria and rule of the Assad family, look elsewhere. And, if you know anything about Middle-Eastern politics/history, this documentary will be a complete insult to your intelligence.