This is another entry in the "let's rid Earth of people we hate" space missions. A crew is shot into space to investigate a mysterious sphere.
The characters are obnoxious, offensive, and tedious. Three of the crew (a woman and two men) freak out when answers aren't immediately forthcoming even before they approach their destination. If they received any training at all, it was on the order of a two hour seminar at DeVry. There isn't one relatable character, which eliminates any chance of tension or engagement with the proceedings.
The acting is terrible, but whether that is due to the failings of actor or script is unclear. The dialog is largely superfluous, adding little or nothing to the story. Before they reach the sphere one character sagely says, in about a thousand words, "we have find out what the sphere is". Well, duh! That's the point of entire mission. Perhaps that dude on the ground should have briefed them before launching them into space. Then again, only one guy on earth is interested in their progress, and his instructions are basically: keep going.
They saved a lot of money by not having a lighting budget. The spaceship has about five watts of lighting for some reason. Everyone stumbles around in the dark.
I won't spoil the "thrilling" conclusion to the mystery. But suffice it to say you won't care one way or the other.
Three stars only because I didn't turn it off. Everything else adds a grand total of zero stars. Which puts it two stars above the horrendous Rings of Power, fake reviews notwithstanding. Three stars.