This movie is just horrible. The actual story line isn't too terrible as time travel stories go. Its the acting and the directing. ANYONE who witnessed this in the production stage should have put the brakes on the whole thing immediately. Hell if I was there simply to deliver lunch and caught any of the acting while they were shooting it would have stepped up and told these people that they needed to pack it all up and just go home. Not one of these people should ever be involved with acting or producing. You cant just blame the actors here the director, the producer the idiots who paid real cash dollars to put this project together should all be checked into a mad house. I know that from time to time people involved with movies all check out the reviews, so here is a message to anyone who may have had their hand in this cookie jar. Pack up any ideas you may ever have about your career in film. Find jobs in something as far from the movie industry that you can. You will be much better off.