Shorts are excellent ways for young filmmakers and actors to get noticed in the film business. "Mountain" is a short film written and directed by Johnny Herbin and it's a chance for him and some young actors to get some experience. Because of this, I am much more lenient in reviewing these pictures. I don't want to discourage them and know that over time their work will likely improve.
The plot to "Mountain" is very simple. It begins with three American soldiers on the run in Europe during World War II. One is quickly killed and another is very ill. Through the course of the story, time passes...years. And finally, the lone survivor makes a shocking discovery. I won't say any more about the plot...after all, it is a short and I don't want to give away the finale.
The film is shot in black & white, which isn't a bad idea since it's supposed to begin in the 1940s. There also is no's all narrated by one of the characters. Still, despite this, the story is compelling and shows promise. I hope to see more from Herbin and the rest of these folks. My only major complaint, and this occurs too often in many films, is the scene near the beginning with one of the characters vomiting. I really do not want to see this...and it would have been more effective and less nauseating to imply instead of showing it up close and personal.