18 of 26 found this to have none
a male and female kiss
a male rests his head on a females lap
A verbal reference is made to rape.
14 of 16 found this moderate
People are burnt alive as human torches.
A woman's family is slaughtered off-camera, but she is covered in their blood.
Some people are beaten, and the bloody lashings inflicted by a whip are shown on a man's back.
People are killed in the Roman games (not actually shown).
A man is beheaded, but the camera tilts skywards to avoid seeing the moment.
In Paul, Apostle of Christ, many Christians are persecuted for their faith.
As the rating suggests, violence is really the only real parental consideration for this movie.
In one scene we see man screaming while he's burned alive (we do not actually see fire on him we just see his screaming face)
Paul has flashbacks and in his flashbacks we see Steven "the first martyr" gets stone to death we see blood drip down from his face, but we don't actually see him die.
In another one of Pauls flashbacks we see him bash a females head on a rock (we do not actually see her head splitting open, the camera moves up so we just see blood splatter). Right after this we see Paul walk over to a little girl who is praying it is suggested that he kills her because she is a Christian.
13 of 16 found this to have none
Luke calls the prison cell a "hell hole"
(Debatable as profane) Luke exclaims, "My God," twice.
15 of 17 found this to have none
9 of 14 found this moderate
Most of the movie shows a lot of intense violence and persecution against Christians, with a lot of emotional scenes with death and even more scenes showing people already having been killed. Overall it's a very intense and sobering movie.