In bonus features, Disney film crew boasts how they had 24/7 access to ER care & air transport. This super mother snow leopard WAS a legend to local Mongolians, thus she was tracked, darted & UNNATURALLY COLLARED for THIS film. Those reviews admiring all filmography are NOT informed how Disney film crew caused her death & her twin cubs deaths bc streaming fails to show bonus clips. The film crew boasted they "laughed & ate food for 5 days few feet away" watching her slow death, her 2 nearby teen female cubs shivering & starving to death. The entire snow leopard family's death is entertaining to this horrible film crew.
IF she wasn't darted & filmed, the super mom snow leopard in her PRIME yrs would've raised her 2 cubs- an extraordinary feat, & she herself would remain alive, her incredible genes passed down to populate a near extinct species.
Disney crew caused her death by refusing to aide her after an illegally grazing ram severely injured her during a hunt. That's why she looks pleadingly into the camera lens often at the end. The worthless crap quote of "life's balance being Ying/ yang" is akin to Pinocchio's nose growing 10 feet long. Disney crew justifies their greedy motives & INaction to aide her by stating "it's nature." Is it "nature" to hunt her, dart her & Force a collar on her while she's raising 2 cubs so the crew can easily film her? She entrusted them- a huge gift, & Disney crew betrayed her. All reviews who mention her death due to THIS film have been removed.
I never would watch any film that causes the death a critically endangered creature, esp the lead.. I discovered this AFTER on blue ray bonus features.
Def SKIP this abhorrent profit only purpose film. There are better films of snow leopards filmed with hidden cameras that do not dart them nor Jeopardize their lives, esp when raising young.