Tom Hardy credited as playing...
Eddie Brock • Venom
- [from trailer; Venom controls Eddie's arm to slap Dan]
- Eddie Brock: Oh! I am so sorry!
- Venom: NOT sorry!
- [mid-credits scene]
- Venom: We all have a past, Eddie.
- Eddie Brock: What, are you... you hiding stuff from me?
- Venom: 80 billion light-years of Hive knowledge across universes would explode your tiny little brain.
- Eddie Brock: What-what does that even mean, man?
- Venom: Well, let me give you a taste, then. Just a smallest fraction of the things we symbiotes have experienced.
- Eddie Brock: Okay.
- Venom: Ready, Eddie?
- Eddie Brock: Yeah.
- [the hotel room changes into a different room]
- Venom: What's happening?
- Eddie Brock: [gets off the bed] No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no.
- Venom: [notices a towel on the bed] What the hell is that?
- Eddie Brock: Oh, that's a... that-that's just a towel. Where are we? Wh-What did you do?
- Venom: It wasn't me.
- [they watch the news on TV covering Spider-Man's identity as Peter Parker; Venom hums]
- Eddie Brock: What? What-what... what is this?
- [emerges into Venom]
- Venom: That guy...
- [licks the TV]
- [from trailer]
- Venom: [sees Carnage] Oh, shit!
- [retreats into Eddie]
- Eddie Brock: Woah! Where are you going?
- Venom: That is a red one!
- Eddie Brock: You need to come out right now. I will let you eat everybody!
- Venom: Promise?
- Eddie Brock: I promise!
- Venom: Oh yeah!
- [returns]
- Mrs. Chen: The chocolate delivery hasn't arrived yet.
- Venom: No!
- Eddie Brock: Oh, no. We have a deal.
- Mrs. Chen: What's gonna happen? You gonna stop protecting me? I don't think so. I've been keeping my mouth shut, feeding your little secret.
- Eddie Brock: Wow. Little old Mrs. Chen, is a little old blackmailer, huh?
- Mrs. Chen: Less of the old. I am 39.
- Venom: And I am Barry Manilow.
- Eddie Brock: Right.
- Venom: I am happy to eat Mrs. Chen.
- Eddie Brock: No, no, you cannot eat Mrs. Chen.
- Mrs. Chen: What?
- Eddie Brock: Well, I guess it's gonna have to be plan B.
- Mrs. Chen: What's plan B?
- [from trailer]
- Venom: [cooking and singing] I say ee-ther, you say ei-ther. I say nee-ither, you to say nei-ther. Ee-ther, ei-ther, nee-ther, nei-ther! Let's call the whole thing off!
- Venom: [serving a gross breakfast] Ta-da! Ketchup?
- Eddie Brock: Excuse me?
- [Venom squirts ketchup all over Eddie]
- Venom: Yummy..
- [from trailer]
- Venom: Eddie, we should be out there snacking on bad guys! I am a predator! I need to be free.
- Eddie Brock: You have got to get control of your aggression, or you will be pulled down into Area 51! You live in my body, you live by my rules!
- Eddie Brock: [sees Venom jump into a bicycler's body] I wish I never met you!
- Venom: [gives Eddie the finger] Sayonara!
- Cletus Kasady: [as Venom holds him by the neck] I'm a killer with or without the monster Eddie. You know what I really wanted?
- Eddie Brock: What was it Cletus?
- Cletus Kasady: I told you, but you weren't listening.
- Eddie Brock: I'm listening now.
- Cletus Kasady: I wanted your friendship.
- Eddie Brock: I'm sorry, Cletus.
- Venom: Fuck this guy!
- [bites Cletus's head off]
- Venom: Eddie, I apologize that I can't mend the heart. Emotional pain hits much harder and it lasts longer. You just need to pull up your big boy pants and take it.
- Eddie Brock: Well, that's easy for you to say.
- Venom: Why?
- Eddie Brock: Because I'm a real boy, and you're just an amoeba.
- Venom: I will only take that because we are hurting right now. Don't worry buddy, I will get you through this!
- Eddie Brock: Alright, let's go!
- Venom: I'm not talking to him!
- Anne Weying: Well, he doesn't want to come out.
- Eddie Brock: What-what do you mean? We-we have to leave right now cause Cletus is going to wipe the city out.
- Venom: We're not doing shit until he apologizes.
- Anne Weying: So he's looking for an apology. Look, I know that amends aren't really your thing, but...
- Eddie Brock: An apology? What, like, as in right... right now, an apology?
- Venom: I need him to beg.
- Eddie Brock: Fine, I will be the bigger of us.
- Venom: I will always be the bigger of us... but go on.
- Eddie Brock: What did he say? What is he saying?
- Anne Weying: He said, he's listening very sincerely.
- Eddie Brock: All right, listen to this. I am sorry.
- Venom: Not the right tone.
- [Anne shakes her head]
- Eddie Brock: I'm sorry.
- Venom: Nope.
- [Anne shakes her head again]
- Eddie Brock: I-I am sorry.
- Dr. Dan Lewis: [watching from the car] So weird.
- Eddie Brock: [shouting] I'M SORRY!
- Anne Weying: I don't know why you're shouting at me.
- Eddie Brock: Well, 'cause... Okay, well, fine. I was a.. I was a loser before I met you.
- Venom: Yep. That's right.
- Eddie Brock: And, uh... And now I am someone. All right? You made me special.
- Venom: [smugly] Damn right.
- Anne Weying: Why don't you put a cherry on it.
- Eddie Brock: A cherry on that? Right. Um... I'm... I-I am truly very sorry for everything that I said.
- Venom: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
- Eddie Brock: Everything that I did not say. Everything that I did, you know...
- Venom: Mm-hmm.
- Eddie Brock: And probably everything that I-I did... I did not... I did not do.
- Venom: Mm...
- Anne Weying: Yeah, he's thinking.
- Venom: Hmm...
- Eddie Brock: Come on. Come on.
- Venom: Okay!
- [enters Eddie's body]
- Venom: Kiss her!
- Eddie Brock: [to Anne] Are you gonna... are you gonna kiss me now?
- Anne Weying: [mortified] No!
- Eddie Brock: No?
- Anne Weying: Oh, God, I'm never doing that again. God, well, maybe never. I don't know! Honestly, it's really fun.
- Detective Mulligan: Keep me ahead of the curb, Eddie. Don't embarrass me! Do you understand?
- Eddie Brock: Trust me, the only scoop I'm getting today is Double Chocolate Chip.
- Eddie Brock: Well, my dear Sancho... facts are the enemy of truth.
- Venom: What does that even mean?
- Eddie Brock: It means... It means that we... are... friends.
- Eddie Brock: Ummmmmm yeah. Yeah.
- Venom: ON THE RUN!
- Eddie Brock: That too.
- Venom: Osho says, "When you love someone, you accept the whole person, with all of their defects".
- Eddie Brock: Defects?
- Venom: Nobody is perfect.
- Eddie Brock: Just go back, go back a minute. You're telling me--? You just said... That you love me.
- Venom: Ummm...
- Eddie Brock: [grinning] You did!
- Venom: Where will we go?
- Eddie Brock: I don't know... anywhere that needs a Lethal Protector, I suppose.
- Venom: Oh! You really meant it!
- Eddie Brock: Yeah.
- Venom: We will need a cape and a mask!
- Eddie Brock: No... no, I think you got that covered. We're good.
- Eddie Brock: Get up!
- Venom: I can't...
- [they see that Cletus and Carnage are at odds with each other]
- Eddie Brock: Look, look! They're not symbiotic. They're not a match
- Venom: We are!
- Eddie Brock: That's right! We are!
- Venom: Together, we are...
- Venom, Eddie Brock: The Lethal Protector!
- Cletus Kasady: I wish for you to see out your days alone, as you always have been.
- Venom: [inside of Eddie] Watch it, pal!
- Eddie Brock: Where are you going with this?
- Cletus Kasady: You are a cancer to everyone who ever loved you, Eddie. Deceived your trusting fiancée. And no wonder Daddy could never look at you again after you killed his wife, your mother, just by being born!
- Venom: [infuriated] YOU SON OF A BITCH!
- [He attacks Cletus]
- Venom: Eighty billion light years of hive knowledge across universes would explode your tiny little brain.
- Eddie Brock: You chose me? Buddy, I'm the only person who took you in when your friends kicked you off the planet Mingmong 'cause you are a reject! You are a pariah! "Lethal protection", my ass. You couldn't protect anything. You are useless! You couldn't get a job down here cleaning toilets!
- [Venom headbutts him in his face]
- Venom: I'm sorry! I-I don't know what came over me, here, please, let me fix it...
- Eddie Brock: [takes his hands away] I'm better...
- Venom: So I can break it again!
- [headbutts him again]
- Venom: [Eddie falls back on the couch, takes his hands away again and grows furious]
- Eddie Brock: You son of a BITCH!
- [He slaps Venom, who then drags Eddie out of a sitting position and forces him to stick to his refrigerator. Eddie tries to cling to it for support, but Venom throws him to the ground as Eddie pulls the fridge with him. Venom pulls him along to the other side of the room, having Eddie bump into the overturned fridge, before throwing him into a shelf]
- Eddie Brock: This is my house!