Yet another alien and spaced movie, and if this were to be the reciept how to get rid of space aliens, or elder gods as they call them in this flick, then mankind would have been doomed,both vertically and horizontally.
its a daft dum,silly and extremely empty story, with a bunch of humans in a secret site inside a mountain(probably a closed factory building) somewher in great britain, were the do contain, and deport every elderly god the can catch. where they deport the are hard to say,but to an eclipsed sun might be a good suggestion.
acting are so cheap and amateurishly done,and nearly made me feel sick. there are some well choreographed fights after 35 minutes in the flick, but thats the only bright moment. the special effect are made on windows paint, and the story must have been found on a london underground lavatory wall, because its either a madmans work or the biggest fraud in recent british history, called''black site''. its dark smokey and greyish, its supposed to be militant, but that is on a millimeter scale. the score are terrible, and like its shuffled in from another movie with a different story and plot. howcome choice of film music and and original score made as bad as this is a mystery for me.have a look an' liten, do you feel any sensations of suspence or action with this kinda score???!
this was really a painfilled, bad try of making a independent sci-fi-movie,and will not be rewatched by the grumpy old man. so as the video killed the radio star,this film bears all signs of newbieness to the tip of your fingernail. a weak 2 and not recommended