253 of 472 found this mild
A teenager shows his butt out of a bus window as a mockery. It is seen for 1 second.
Two female characters make out for around 10 seconds.
Several characters are seen in their underwear.
A teenage boy is seen shirtless for about a minute
Character mentions "getting fucked by a unicorn"
Masturbation scene in a school bathroom.
214 of 269 found this severe
Frequent horror violence with blood applied to the killings.
A group of teen kids get into a car accident. Mild blood.
A girl is slashed across the stomach. Some blood is seen. She is later stabbed in the chest and dies. The knife is shown for a long time.
A teenager is shot in the head from behind. The exit wound is clearly visible.
A girl is shot in the head and falls over. The wound oozes black blood and her eyeball is seen on the ground.
A kid is stabbed in the chest from behind. The camera pans down to the tip of the blade sticking out with some blood.
A dead nurse is seen with her throat cut. Another nurse is then stabbed through the bottom of his mouth. Bloody.
A couple characters get mild nosebleeds.
Several characters are shown being stabbed in the stomach or chest. Oftentimes we see the knife being pulled out.
Several children get into a fistfight. It is a mild scuffle, no blood.
135 of 237 found this moderate
Occasional uses of offensive strong language in which the f-bomb, "shit", "damn" and "ass".
Couple instances of slurs against gay characters ("Lesbo", "Bulldyke")
Around a minute in, there's a use of the middle finger.
133 of 220 found this moderate
One character sells a variety of prescription drugs. They are occasionally shown.
A teen girl is shown sorting pills on a table in front of other teens. Another teen goes through the pills stating what each one's effect is.
Several bottles of alcohol are thrown at a moving school bus.
112 of 222 found this moderate
The opening death scene is very lengthy and intense.
Many of the stabbings are very bloody. Characters often grapple with the killer before being killed, which can be upsetting.
The whole atmosphere of the movie is dark and ominous, with many references made to witchcraft, possession, and reanimating dead people.
Many characters are stalked or chased by the killer, which is very tense.