Never read the book this is based on, but the movie was so annoyingly painful to watch. Ten teens go to an island vacation and get picked off one by one. Sounds good as a premise, but the way it was done was awful.
Person gets murdered -> Group's response: Let's all go up in hysterics and air out all our random high school drama, like who dated/dumped who and who cheated on this and that test! Perfectly normal reaction to just watching your best friends get murdered right next to you /s.
It honestly felt like someone who read the book just straight copy-pasted lines directly into the movie, even though it makes no sense to do so in the case of horror-level murders. It's like watching a horror movie and the protagonists just start randomly discussing their love life in complete, perfectly grammatical, non-teenager, book-like sentences in the middle of a chase scene - It kills all the tension and instead makes you hate all the characters. If it was adapted better, cutting the stiff, book-like narration, it would have probably been much better than it was.