67 of 78 found this to have none
43 of 54 found this mild
The film contains a brief scene of the Vietnam war where some cross-fire during a battle is shown, coupled with shots of some men being shot. However, there are no details of blood-letting or injury.
35 of 67 found this mild
1 use of "f*cking", 14 uses of "sh*t", 8 uses of "h*ll", 7 uses of "a*s", 5 uses of "d*mn", 7 uses of "g*dd*mn", 3 uses of "b*stard", 2 uses of "son of a b*tch", 6 uses of "J*sus Chr*st, 1 use of "Oh J*sus", 2 uses of "Chr*st", 1 use of "J*sus", 1 use of "Pr*cks".
44 of 54 found this mild
Social drinking and cigarette smoking.
Drugs: None
37 of 58 found this mild
The scene where Kay Graham has to decide between authorizing a story that could ruin the paper and send her to prison and standing up for freedom of the press is intense.
The film contains lots of suspense. The final scene is suspenseful.
The scene in Vietnam is somewhat intense.