As you may know, the original "Cop and a Half" movie that came out in 1993 was an instant joke that deservedly got trashed by critics, and today is still considered a low point in the history of Hollywood cinema. But it must have eventually made a lot of money on video and cable TV broadcasts, because twenty four years later comes this direct to DVD sequel. And the only good thing that this sequel manages to do is illustrate that the original movie could have been a lot worse. This movie manages to be bad in every way you can think of. The scripting is alternately predictable and ludicrous (particularly with what happens in the climax), the special effects are cheesy, and poor Lou Diamond Phillips looks very tired, haggard, and clearly knows he's in a turkey. However, the worst thing about the movie happens to be the character child actress Lulu Wilson plays. The character is possibly the most obnoxious child character I have ever seen in movie. Certainly the dialogue and situations Wilson has to play out play a part of this, but a bigger reason is Wilson's performance, which is unbelievably broad and grating, not allowing for even a little sympathy for her and her character. I know this movie is strictly aimed at a kiddie audience, but I think even kids will realize the utter contempt this movie will throw at them.