April in Blue: User review
April in Blue is a scintillating short film exploring sexuality, intimacy and break up of a relationship, spiced up with manipulation and intrigue –lots of issues packed into 11 minutes.
Christian Hogarth has done a fantastic job as writer/director. The script scorches along in a believable way, digging deeper as the "game" evolves. Only the classic mother-in-law scenario jars as being formulaic. The parenthood/children question allows Andy McCutcheon to shine with passion before he disintegrates in a heart wrenching plea for attention. Kenzie Nothnagel as Christine, is fantastic throughout: sassy, sexy and intriguing.
The lighting is finely pitched to suggest a warm bedroom intimacy indoors and getting colder as the mood changes from playfulness to bitterness and pain.
April in Blue ends with a manipulated twist, leaving the audience to question what they have just witnessed and ready to watch it again. April in Blue cries out for a prequel or a sequel. . . .