19 of 23 found this severe
At one point, Farnese strips herself completely naked in front of Serpico with her bare buttocks shown. She then presses herself against him, attempting to seduce him.
Crunchyroll cuts down on the nudity.
Crunchyroll entirely cuts out the rape scene, and it isn't even mentioned.
One of the main characters is a young, comedic elf named Puck. He is very small and flies about, but he is always nude. He does have buttocks and they are shown occasionally throughout, but he lacks any sort of genitalia and it is never shown sexually.
Casca, the main character, is shown to be mentally disabled with the mind of a child because she was raped by Femto and lost her sanity. In a few flashbacks, this event is shown quickly. Casca's breasts and nipples can be seen as demonic tentacles slither underneath her torn clothing, presumably raping her. The event is also shown towards the end of the opening theme song, with her nipples exposed as Femto gropes her breast.
Farnese whips herself in one scene to help purify herself from immoral thoughts. During this, she is topless and her bare breasts are visible.
In Episode 3, Farnese spends the majority topless, with her breasts visible. In one scene, she encounters a demon-possessed horse that tries to rape her. The horse is shown licking her breasts shortly, and she later becomes possessed herself and tries to seduce Guts. However, she strips completely naked and sexually straddles his sword. Her buttocks and her bare breasts are visible.
Within the Tower of Conviction, several nude people can be seen being tortured. Also, breasts can be seen occasionally.
A pagan cult walk around entirely nude. Male genitalia can be seen occasionally, along with bare breasts and buttocks. In a scene involving a lurid orgy, we see the demon leader briefly fondling women's private parts. He later commands a boy named Joachim to kiss his penis, which is a serpent, but he refuses. Later on, Joachim is drugged and engages in ritualistic sex with his girlfriend, Nina. The scene is short and only the climax is shown, with the characters fading away as Joachim orgasms. However, the scene transitions to show a white fluid which is assumed to be his semen ejaculating within her. This is graphic, but partially obscured as the scene is presented in a blurred, watercolour esque art style.
Several cultists attempt to rape Casca. They tear her gown, exposing her breasts. The cultists are quickly killed by Guts before anything can happen.
10 of 11 found this severe
During the second season, Guts gets violently beaten in a fight with one of Griffith's apostles. We see him spit up blood and hear some of his ribs to have been broken. He later dons the berserker armor to turn the tide of the battle.
In the second season, we see women being raped by trolls in a brief scene, but nudity is not lingered on. In a horrific scene, a woman in pain crawls to two of the protagonists before we see her stomach bulging and her expressions escalate to pained yelling shortly. Also, we see a troll bloodily burst out of her stomach and it is implied she dies then.
Much darker and more violent than the original anime series.
PLEASE NOTE: This section covers the uncensored version of the show.
The 2016 anime contains graphic violence throughout. Guts kills several humans and demons using a massive sword called the Dragonslayer. Bodies are graphically cut in half, limbs are severed and people are impaled by Guts several times per episode. Also, the anime features some intense battles.
A demon-possessed little girl kills her elderly father offscreen. She then holds up his bloody, decapitated head proudly. Guts then kills her by slicing her in half.
Guts kills several knights by slicing them apart, he kills about twenty of them before he collapses from his wounds. He is then imprisoned and interrogated, being whipped as it leaves bloody marks across his chest. The scene is short.
Farnese, being a religious knight, practices self-flagellation to purify herself from impure thoughts. She is shown whipping herself in one scene, nothing too bloody though.
A massive dog-like demon is bloodily split in half by Guts. Later on, Guts graphically cuts a possessed horse in half, the corpse is briefly shown.
A few characters are shown being burned at the stake, falsely executed for being heretics. Nothing especially violent is shown or heard, but charred skeletons are shown afterwards in brief detail.
4 of 10 found this mild
In some of the subtitles: 2 uses of "wh*re(s)", and 1 use of "creepy f**ks" as an insult. Also, occasional uses of "damn", "hell", and a few uses of "sh*t".
7 of 9 found this mild
Guts is shown walking into a tavern, where several characters are drunk and drinking ale.
9 of 10 found this severe
Guts is violently and relentlessly beaten down in an intense battle against one of Griffith's apostles (who has a dragon-like form).
This anime is much darker than the original series, with much more violence and gore, darker themes, a bleaker tone, more graphic sexual content and more intense scenes. While the animation might be choppy, being a main detractor, the atmosphere is still very dark and frightening and also, the violence is very graphic and disturbing.
The series adapts some of the more horrific parts of the original manga. The troll birth in the second season is quite intense and rather hard to watch.
Guts and Casca are both shown to suffer from severe PTSD, having been betrayed by their leader and friend, Griffith, in the previous anime. Both were attacked by demons after witnessing their comrades devoured and killed by monsters. However, Guts lost his eye and arm in the attack, while Casca was raped by Griffith himself. The event caused Casca to lose her sanity, and several flashbacks to this event are shown, including in the opening itself. This could be upsetting to some viewers.
The series is filled with a variety of demons and monsters, many of which try to kill the main characters. Their appearances could scare some.
A demon talks of his backstory where he killed his former human mistress and mounted her severed head on the wall of his mansion.
A horse becomes possessed by evil spirits and tries to rape Farnese, grinning and whinnying as it licks her.
Some viewers may find the unsightly appearance of the Demon Fetus to be creepy.
The scenes involving Mozgus and his torturers are pretty unpleasant in general. The breaking wheel scene is notably off-putting and intense, since Farnese is depicted as deriving pleasure from it.
Nina is escorted throughout the Tower of Conviction as she is shown the tortured and dying heretics that lie within it, and she is told the same will happen to her and in fear, in which she wets herself. The scene is fairly intense and unsettling.