I want that 30 minutes of my life back. I mean Jesus Christ was this awful from top to bottom. The only thing I liked was the camera work which did a decent job of capturing Tokyo. Other than that it was probably the most cringe-worthy "project" I've ever seen. The dialog is just creepy and poor, the constant piano music over conversations is annoying, the random zoom ins make it feel like a porno. I wish I could slap everyone who was a part of this thing in the face as hard as I could. Please if you are reading this and haven't watched save yourself from this garbage. I swear to God I could film a better story in my 1 bedroom apartment on my iPhone right now. Every scene feels overly dramatic and stupid. I think the producers just wanted an excuse to visit Tokyo and this crap is what came of their booze-fueled trip. I bet this whole thing was shot in 48 hours.