- Debbie Ocean: If you're going to have a problem with stealing, then you're not going to like the rest of this conversation.
- [first lines]
- Parole Board Officer: [entering] Good afternoon, Miss Ocean.
- Debbie Ocean: Hi.
- Parole Board Officer: As you know, parole is a privilege. And one of the restrictions on any parolee, is to avoid the company of any person who has a criminal record of any kind. That would include most of your extended family.
- Debbie Ocean: Yeah, that's obviously not something I'm proud of.
- Parole Board Officer: Would this pose an impossible challenge for you?
- Debbie Ocean: No. No. I don't want that life. I never wanted that life. My brother, um... May he rest in peace, was a criminal. I loved him, but he was a conman. It was in his blood.
- Parole Board Officer: And it's not in your blood?
- Debbie Ocean: No. No, sir. Um... I fell for the wrong person. It was a mistake. Uh... But it happened. And if I were to be released, I would, um...
- [tearing up]
- Debbie Ocean: Sorry. Wow, just saying that...
- [exhales heavily]
- Debbie Ocean: If I were to be released,
- [clears throat]
- Debbie Ocean: I would just want the simple life. I just wanna hold down a job, make some friends, go for a walk after work in the fresh air and pay my bills.
- Debbie Ocean: [as she sits down] Hello, John.
- John Frazier: Hello, Debbie. You look well, how long's it been?
- Debbie Ocean: A few years, minus good behavior.
- John Frazier: Right
- Debbie Ocean: Yeah
- John Frazier: Thank you for calling. I was gonna call you.
- Debbie Ocean: Yeah, I didn't do it.
- John Frazier: Of course not. You were just on camera 20 feet away while the jewels were being nicked. It's a coincidence.
- Debbie Ocean: No. That's a solid alibi.
- John Frazier: What is it? Is it genetic? Are the whole family like this?
- Debbie Ocean: Except for my Aunt Ida.
- John Frazier: Librarian?
- Debbie Ocean: Hmm. Homemaker.
- John Frazier: Right, I'm gonna make this easy for you. I don't want you. I just want the necklace. I don't care. I'll say I found it in a cab.
- Debbie Ocean: How about some of it?
- John Frazier: How much?
- Debbie Ocean: Hypothetically, 10%.
- John Frazier: And where's the hypothetical rest?
- Debbie Ocean: Oh, I don't know. Literally.
- John Frazier: Oh, God. This is exhausting! I mean, when they said come over, I was like... Ugh. You know, with the jet lag, the time difference, Arsenal in the Cup Final this weekend. But now I'm here. It's bloody interesting.
- Debbie Ocean: Yeah?
- John Frazier: So it's not just profit, it's revenge. It's a twofer.
- [about Claude]
- John Frazier: He frames you, you frame him, scores are settled.
- Debbie Ocean: [rehearsing in the mirror] I just wanna say, thank you. The last three weeks have been amazing for me, and we've all worked very hard for this moment. So whatever happens tonight, I want you to remember one thing, you are not doing this for me. You are not doing this for you. Somewhere out there is an eight-year-old girl lying in bed, dreaming of being a criminal. Let's do this for her...
- Rose Weil: [sobbing to Lou and Debbie] I'm old, and I'm going to prison. Then I'm going to be really, really poor.
- Reuben: [pleading] Sometimes, just knowing the job will work is satisfaction enough. You don't actually gotta do it.
- Debbie Ocean: What else did he say?
- [Danny]
- Reuben: He said it was brilliant.
- Debbie Ocean: Oh, okay.
- Reuben: And that you would probably end up back in prison.
- Debbie Ocean: I'm not gonna end up back in prison.
- Debbie Ocean: [about her plan] I couldn't even hear myself think. You know, five women in one cell. So I got myself thrown in solitary for a little peace and quiet, and that's where I finally came up with it.
- Debbie Ocean: How long would it take you to make seven pieces of jewelry, if the stones were already cut?
- Amita: Probably five or six hours.
- Debbie Ocean: How long if I told you, you didn't have to live with your mother anymore?
- Amita: [readily agreeing] Less!
- John Frazier: [to Claude] Problem is, the necklace has been stolen and a fake has been put in its place. Right now, you're the person with the greatest opportunity.
- Claude Becker: Why would I wanna steal a necklace?
- John Frazier: That's what I keep asking myself. Why would this guy, who's got everything,
- [pointing at statues]
- John Frazier: two of these... Why would that guy wanna steal a necklace?
- Claude Becker: What was your answer?
- John Frazier: Maybe he doesn't have everything.
- Amita: [about Claude] How did you ever fall for this schmuck?
- Debbie Ocean: Lou and I were going through a rough patch, and I really wanted a big score of my own.
- Debbie Ocean: [about the heist investigation] They were gonna be looking for somebody. Just had to make sure it wasn't one of us.
- Debbie Ocean: [during her presentation to the girls] In three and a half weeks, the Met will be hosting its annual ball, celebrating its new costume exhibit, and we are going to rob it. Not the ball itself, but a very important set of diamonds that will be attending the ball.
- Debbie Ocean: [while visiting Danny's grave] I know you're there, Reuben. You can come on out.
- Reuben: [walking around the corner] I was just paying my respects.
- Debbie Ocean: From around the corner? What are you doing here?
- Reuben: They thought I'd be the best one to talk to you.
- Debbie Ocean: [thinking for a moment] Hmm. Gotta go.
- Reuben: He didn't want you to do this, Deborah.
- Debbie Ocean: [as she's walking out] DO what?
- Reuben: Whatever it is he wouldn't tell us you're gonna do.
- John Frazier: [to the Cartier reps] I'm not a member of law enforcement. I work with the insurance carrier. Which means I'm either looking for fraud or I'm looking for the real necklace. Beyond that, I couldn't care less.
- Claude Becker: [really nervous as Debbie catches him] Oh, my God. I was meaning to call you. Jesus, it's great to see you. You look...
- Debbie Ocean: [holds a shiv-like toothbrush to his person] Recently incarcerated?
- Claude Becker: Wonderful. You look wonderful.
- Debbie Ocean: Do you know what a shiv is?
- Debbie Ocean: [about Claude after Lou finds out about her real reason for the heist] He sent me to jail! You have no idea what that's like.
- Lou: Yeah, well, he's gonna do it again.
- Debbie Ocean: No, he's not.
- John Frazier: [points to the pictures] Do you know this woman?
- Daphne Kluger: No.
- John Frazier: Debbie Ocean, convicted felon. Her brother, Danny Ocean, more convicted felon. She was present on the night of the incident.
- Daphne Kluger: Did she steal the necklace?
- John Frazier: Apparently not, she's the only one with an alibi. Smiling at the camera the entire time.
- Daphne Kluger: Oooh! So?
- John Frazier: So I have five innocent people who seem to be suspects, and someone who should be a suspect but isn't. I have cameras covering every inch of the museum, except for the loo, where $150 million was stolen from that neck, your neck.
- John Frazier: [to the Cartier reps] Whoever stole this necklace managed to get out without being detected. Which means we're looking for someone very smart. Gentlemen. I've seen a thoroughbred racehorse thrown into a tree shredder. People will go to great lengths to defraud an insurance carrier.
- Daphne Kluger: [tormenting an actress playing herself] Uh, just, you know... smoother. Just a little bit of space, please. It was perfect. I just need it faster and more damaged. All right? Great.
- Olivia Munn: Do you know what's going on here?
- Gala Great Hall Security Guard: An item seems to have been lost. They're looking for it now.
- Olivia Munn: Do you know what they lost?
- Desiigner: Diamonds. Lots of diamonds.
- Olivia Munn: Diamonds? Really? We're waiting around for diamonds?
- Maria Sharapova: Look, look, sir? I really just need to go to the bathroom.
- Debbie Ocean: [to Amita about Claude] When somebody got interested in a piece, I'd pose as another buyer and drive up the price. Money was good and he was great in the kitchen... One day he asked me to pose as the seller, not the buyer.
- Detective: [in the interrigation room] Well, it seems four sweet old ladies, who apparently don't exist, have recently transferred some very large sums of money into Becker Holdings, LLC. Do you know how that might have happened, Mr. Becker?
- Claude Becker: [in total shock] I think I need a lawyer.
- John Frazier: ...I mean when they said come over I was like, ugh, you know with the jet lag, the time difference, Arsenal in the cup final this weekend, but now I'm here, it's bloody interesting now...