The Transgender community continues to receive a lot of criticism from time to time, with very few support. Ranging from people who simply doesn't like it to others who absolutely loathe it...etc. Bruce Jenner ( Referring to her as her former self ) was a star athlete back in the day. She gained a lot of success and fame. She later starred in a very popular show that I'm sure we're all familiar with "Keeping up with the Kardashians". It's safe to say that not many people understand well or are willing to grasp the reason behind her huge life- changing decision to fully transition into a woman. I could go on but let me just get to the point; Caitlyn Jenner has helped shed some light into the transgender community, now many more people are becoming more aware and educated about it. You may disagree, refuse to support or understand her story, it still doesn't change the great amount of impact that her story now has on those who've heard of it, and also the important message that it has behind it.
She is now 65 years old, it's not just something that she made up her mind about overnight. This is something that Caitlyn must've have thought about every second of her long life. While some may see this as a selfish act, and I do know that not only will her family and friends be affected in someway by her decision, it will also impact America greatly. This shows courage, to be able to come to light, and share this with the world knowing that not everyone will understand or support her decision and that it might ruin her athlete reputation as well. This may not be the sort of courage that a soldier must have in order to go into battle but it's still courage.
Caitlyn, you are beautiful. Thank you for sharing your story with the world. A person's happiness is very important to them, it is the very important key to being able to find meaning in their lives. If Cait truly felt like that it would be almost impossible to continue living within a man's body when she truly felt and was a woman inside, then, so be it. It is her body, and if it made her happy then that's what mattered truly.